Luna went to the bathroom and washed a towel, grabbed the medicine kit, and went back to him, carefully placing the towel on his forehead. The damp towel waking him up, surprising Luna who was watching him intently. His ragged breathing and trembling lips making Luna's heart ache for him.


"Luna?" Toby called in a broken voice that she could barely recognized. Luna smiled faintly, wondering if Toby could see just how worried and sorry she was.

"Are you okay?" Luna tried to help him up, but Toby grimaced a little when she touched his arms. Checking it for any signs of injury, she found a fresh bruise on his skin.

"What happened to your arms?" She asked worriedly, but Toby did not say a word as he stared blankly at her. His eyes full of unspoken secrets that Luna was eager to uncovered when she felt Toby's burning hands slipping into hers, catching her completely off guard.


"You came," Toby mumbled as he drifted back to sleep, leaving a confused Luna awake wondering what he meant by that. And then Luna remembered something similar that happened back in sophomore year, Toby ditched their last class without a word to any of them. Luna decided to search for him when she realized that Toby's book was left under his table and found him unconscious on the rooftop half an hour later. With Lexus help, they managed to bring him straight to the hospital. The doctor said he caught the flu. Ever since that day, Luna has been worried every time Toby vanishes in such a way.

"I came," Luna watched him sleep in peace while their fingers stayed interlaced and the uneven beat of her heart keeping her company until she fell asleep next to him.

The blinding light waking Luna up, her head was pounding and her body ache in all the wrong places. Memories of her late-night drinking, and early morning nursing a certain someone was enough to wake every fiber of her being. She found herself wrapped in a blanket that smells like Toby, but the boy in question was nowhere to be seen. Luna jumped out of bed in a hurry, stumbling a little as the sheets entangled on her feet and fell hard on her butt.

Ignoring the pain from the fall, Luna ran straight to the bathroom.

"Toby?" She called and heard the sound of water dripping on the floor, realizing that he was inside, Luna went back to her side of the room. Smiling at the sight of Toby's black hooded jacket sitting on the chair next to her bed. She grabbed it, buried her face in the material, and breathed in the scent of his fragrance.

"Why are you holding my jacket Ms. Greene?" Luna jumped in surprised, Toby was already standing behind her, hair dripping with water in his plain white shirt and sweatpants.

Why does he look good in that? She thought, as she casually checks him out. Toby's a skinny guy, she knew that but there was something about his physique that she can't just ignore.


"Oh right! I'm wearing it today," Luna blurted out not recognizing her own voice, Toby's narrowed his eyes at her. Grateful that he couldn't see her properly without his glasses, because she was too flustered and bothered to hide her flushed cheeks.

"We both know that you wouldn't be returning that to me, right?"

"How do you know about that?" Toby groaned defeatedly, Luna's been collecting his hoodies since freshmen year. In her defense, it wasn't intentional at first, but with her forgetfulness and Toby's lack of enthusiasm in reminding her to give it back to him, she ended up keeping a few of his stuffs for the most part.

"Lexus dropped by earlier, he said we'll be leaving at 5 in the afternoon," Luna nodded, picking her phone for the first time since last night, it was past 1 in the afternoon, no wonder she was starving. To think that no one bothered to wake her up again was making her mad.

"I'm hungry," Luna skipped breakfast and lunch, other than the snacks and wine from the party last night, she barely eaten a decent meal for the last 24 hours.

"I've got you covered Miss Greene," Toby got a takeout bag from In and Out, where did he managed to find one in the middle of nowhere was beyond her. Luna was too hungry to care as she snatched the bag from him, Toby watched the beast of a woman named Luna devouring her meal with a proud look on his face.

They met with the rest of the gang at 4 pm, she's wearing Toby's black hoody paired with black yoga pants and her Nike trainers. Everyone looks awful, a clear tell tail of how wasted and drunk her friends were from the night before. Caleb was complaining about how hard it was to carry two big guys and one sleeping girl from the rooftop back to their own rooms. To top it all, Athena's puked her guts out on him that explains the awkward atmosphere between the two of them.

"You look awful Lulu," Luna wrapped her arms around his waist, she felt bad for leaving him alone with her friends last night, but it was a little too late for that now.

"I'm not drinking with your friends again Luna! I can still smell Athena's puke on my hair!" Caleb whined, ruffling his hair annoyingly. Out of all places, Athena did it on his head.

"I already said sorry Caleb!"

"Not accepted"

"You're such a Baby!" Athena yelled at her poor brother causing him to yell back at her with petty insults.

"Can you please lower it down? My head feels like breaking. I'm not drinking again!"

"That's what he said," everyone groaned simultaneously, looks like their group wouldn't be drinking for a while.

They bid goodbye to Max and took a few pictures before they go. Caleb was nominated to be the designated driver, France and Athena were fast asleep in the middle while Lexus keeping Caleb company on the front. Leaving Toby and Luna on the backseat. Finally feeling the exhaustion of the last 24 hours, Luna yawned for the third time since they left Safe Havens.

"Go to sleep Luna," Luna turned her head to Toby who was sitting casually next to her, his eyes holding her captive effortlessly. The two of them stayed glued to each other, waiting for someone to break the silence first, Toby pulled her closer by the waist, feeling the warmth of his hand lingering on it that sets her skin on fire from his touch. Luna was too stunned to say a word.

"Go to sleep Luna," he repeated softly, they were too close that Luna could feel his breath on her face. Toby lay her head on his shoulder before she could even protest, the sound of Somewhere in Neverland by All Time Low started playing in her ears as she slowly drifted off to sleep with a small smile on her lips.

"Thank you," he mumbled softly as she felt his warm lips on her forehead, but Luna was too sleepy to know if it was a dream or a reality.

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