"Red and I have it pretty good here." 10K said dismissing the idea.

"Well I see that. But for how long? You saw those Z's after me, something's got them on the war path."

"There's been so many rumors and false hopes. . . it's hard to believe anything." Red added clearly thinking along the same lines as 10K.

"I know, but something about this. . . feels right. The U.S. government's involved."

"The government?" 10K asked, "I thought the last of the government collapsed after the nukes."

"Well apparently there's a few fed's left. There's some scattered platoons of marines and they're trying to get everybody to Newmerica before the new snowfall. That's how I found 'em, one of their teams saw me and picked me up." Doc explained.

"How are we supposed to get to northern Canada?" Red asked.

"They set up a refugee camp for the survivors that want to go. A convoy of trucks is gonna pick 'em up."

"I dunno." 10K said still not convinced. "This is a good spot. It's defensible, fresh water, fish, didn't see another human until you."

"But there's been more Z's lately." Red pointed out.

"I tell ya these marines mean business. They set up this camp with medical supplies and communication. A year from now there's not gonna be much in the way of humans left. You guys, I – I just don't know if we're gonna get another chance like this." Doc said rubbing his beard seeing 10K still looking skeptical, "Ya got any scissors?"

That diffused the tension instantly as both Red and 10K laughed. Red got a pair of scissors and told Doc she could give his beard a long overdue trim outside. When they were back on the ground Red started cutting away as Doc asked some questions he knew were better said away from 10K's ears.

"Hey, how's he been?" he asked glancing up at the tent where 10K still was.

Red gave a sigh as she kept cutting, "Better. He was pretty broken up at first. Then there was the silent depression phase. . . "

She remembered it even though it was so long ago, probably because it was the first time Tommy really started to try and live again after Bailey's death.

The dark circles under his eyes were getting better and he hadn't suddenly stopped breathing in his sleep which led her to believe that Sun Mei's idea to kill 10K to save him had really worked. She'd had her doubts, of course, after losing so many people she wasn't about to celebrate 10K's recovery until she was certain he wouldn't relapse. But just because his body was fine didn't mean his mind had healed. 10K was still in mourning and it didn't help that he was wracked with guilt, the only reason Red knew was because sometimes he mumbled in his sleep as he tossed and turned. He'd say Bailey's name, say Murphy was controlling him, said he couldn't get free. He'd repeat things like 'should have left' and 'my fault'. Some nights he didn't say anything, he'd just cry silently while he dreamt about her. Red knew what he felt like, after all 5K had just died too, but at least he'd died trying to help people, he hadn't been murdered by a madman trying to create a new race that obeyed his commands. 5K had at least been free and his death would have been so quick he may not have felt it at all. But Bailey, she shuddered, Bailey died the way no one wanted to go, eaten by Z's and all the while 10K had been a prisoner in his own body, Red couldn't imagine feeling that helpless. Tonight though, months after they'd been separated from the group, things were different. Something in 10K's mind had shifted and he'd been acting differently, he'd been trying. He'd offered to collect firewood which surprised Red; since Mount Casey 10K hadn't really talked at all, he just shot zombies, helped set up and take down camp all while essentially being silent. That day he'd even held a conversation for a few short minutes after his offer saying they'd have to find a town since their food supply was starting to run low. Red thought carefully before each response not wanting to say something that might trigger 10K and make him revert to his silence.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now