He Broke Your Heart And He's Sorry

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Ashton: It had been about a week since Ashton dumped you on the spot, he explained due to his busy career and busy life that it was hard to juggle a girlfriend and all of that. But you suspected he lied to you, since on his personal and private facebook account, you saw pictures of him partying with other girls, his hand even on one of their thighs. You didn’t know how to feel and it turned into you watching all the trash movies you owned, and your flat turning into a rubbish tip of junk food wrappers and old clothes and lots of his old junk. You heard you phone ring, and sure enough, it was his number. It was a deleted number, but you knew it was Ashton’s all too well. You picked up after the tenth ring. “Hello? Y/N?” He said, unsure. You sniffed. “Hey, Y/N. I’m really sorry that I broke up with you and I just want you to know, that I really love you and I miss you-” and you started sobbing hysterically. “YOU’RE LYING! YOU’RE A FUCKING LIAR! YOU BROKE MY HEART!” You screamed, and he was trying to tell you he wanted to get back together, but the sting of the breakup and those photos just made you more angry, as your anger turned into tears. He kept trying to tell you he’d be over to make sure things were okay but you refused to open the door. 

Luke: You were going out since Luke had dumped you on short notice, and you were trying to look your best to tell the world you were doing okay without Luke. You were wearing a tank top with, “Music is my boyfriend” printed on it, to show Luke was no longer. You were also wearing shorts which Luke always thought were too short, and then your sunglasses. As you held your Frozen Yoghurt in your hand, which you realised only after halfway through eating it, was Luke’s favourite order, and you began to feel sick. As you left the place you bumped into someone and looked up to apologize. You swallowed down the apology when you realised it was Luke. He then, with his arms, guided you to the side to get out of the way and then said, “Look, Y/N, I’m really sorry about what I did. I really am.” He said. You were taken aback by what he said, and you were really fighting the urge to kiss him. “Sorry’s just a word.” You spoke bitterly and he stood there, confused, and you began to walk out, dumping the frozen yoghurt and trying to get him out of your mind.

Calum: Last time you saw Calum was last winter when he was where you lived. He visited you so much but at one point, over a year ago, he had broken up with you, over the phone. You had never talked to him since but had gone into a depressing spiral of heartbreak. Even your friend sometimes angrily messaged him for ruining you. So, on Christmas day, you had snuck out from the house you were walking in your thick winter coat and pajama pants through the snow, cold and lonely and tired. You went to the tire swing which was attached to your favourite childhood tree. You were only thinking of how you and Calum swung on it every night he was there, with you. As you came closer you realised a figure had already taken it and you stopped to consider going back inside and spending a painful Christmas with your family. But then you thought it was weak to turn back, and you’d probably go for it anyway. When you reached the swing, seeing the lone figure sitting on it, you felt sick as you realised it was Calum. “Oh.” You said, seeing him. You were about to turn around and walk away when he stopped you. “Y/N. I’m really sorry.” He said, getting off the swing and coming over to clutch your hand, and you stood there, confused. “I am truly and deeply sorry.” He spoke, looking into your eyes. “I am too.” You said quietly before turning to go back home, feeling torn.

Michael: You and Michael fought in the last few days of your relationship over a girl he kissed, him claiming that it was from ages ago, you seeing it as brand new on the internet and you had no idea how to react. Immediately, you moved out and into your best friend’s flat and since then, she had been fending him off, until one evening, he came, calm and silent. “Can I have a word with Y/N?” He asked your best friend. You stood up in your underwear and shirt and walked over to the door. “Which word do you want?” You asked bitterly. “Cheater? Or maybe Liar?” You said, bitter and angry, and he opened his mouth to reply, but you stopped him before he could say anything else, “Or my personal favourite, Goodbye!” You said ,sarcastically angry, and then you slammed the door in his face, still angered over how much he had told you he loved you, but then went off with someone else. You approach to love and relationships just wasn’t the same after that.  

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