"Kiss Me"

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Luke: Your hands were balled into fists as you stood in front of your boyfriend, gritting your teeth with each word he said to you. Of course he was going to say that it wasn’t his fault he was late getting home; of course he was going to blame it on any alcohol he’d consumed the night before, but you knew better. Luke was out late because he wanted to party and be with his friends, he could come see you at home anytime, why wouldn’t he want some time out alone to himself? “You’re such an idiot! Did you think I wouldn’t find out that you were out willingly last night? I know you, Luke; I’m not an idiot!” you start to rant onto him, and he sits back and lets you say all you want to say until suddenly his lips are inches away from yours and his eyes are staring deeply back at you. “Kiss me.”

Ashton: “Stop doing that.” You whisper as his hand once again finds your upper thigh. You could almost feel his smirk as he disobeyed your orders; still teasing you when he knew you couldn’t handle it. It wouldn’t be that bad if you weren’t out to dinner with his parents and your parents. It wouldn’t be that bad if you weren’t positive they’d talk bad about the two of you if you started doing business in front of them. But here you were, frustrated and being teased by your boyfriend like the little pervert he is as you sat there and said nothing, gritting your teeth each time his hand touched you. Ashton lifted your chin with his fingers, making you turn towards him. “Kiss me,”

Calum: The tears wouldn’t stop flowing as you sat there, staring down at the floor beneath you as you looked down at the pregnancy test. It was positive, and that was a good thing but yet also one of the worst things that could’ve happened to you. For starters, you were still in school and you hadn’t yet got the degree you were working on; so having this child would be a bad thing because it’d make it that much harder to finish anything you’d worked towards, and not to mention your boyfriend was in a band and they were currently working towards releasing an album and getting ready for tours. You were too busy for a child, yet you’d be more than excited to raise one with Calum. As soon as you told him the news through your many sobs, all Calum could do was hold you close and make you face him, a smile on his face as all he could say was: “Kiss me.”

Michael: “Truth or dare, (Y/N)?” he asks you with a sly look on his face. You sigh and shrug your shoulders, not knowing which one you wanted to choose. Of course you’d picked truth throughout the entire night, and the boys had done nothing but make fun of you and laugh over it. You weren’t entirely sure what the worse dare he could give you is; but you did know that it probably wouldn’t be that bad since you were too innocent and wouldn’t do anything too extreme. With confidence, you smirked and tilted your head up. “I pick dare, Michael.” The boys around you laugh and make wolf yells, patting Michael on the back as he leans towards you staring into your eyes. “Kiss me.”

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