He Finds Out You're In The Hospital

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Rushing into the hospital, he quickly goes to the desk. “[Y/N] [Y/L/N],” He takes a gasp of breath. “Are you related to Ms. [Y/L/N]?” The nurse asked him.

"I’m her boyfriend, now where is she?" Luke asked and the nurse gave him directions. Running up to your hospital room, he finds your parents outside your room in tears.

"Is..Is [Y/N] okay?" Luke whispers. Your mam shakes her head,"S-She’s in a coma" Lukes’ heart broke after hearing those four words. "If you want to go see her, you can," Your dad told him, still holding your mam.

Nodding, Luke walked into the room to see wires hooked up to your body and he wants to break into tears. “[Y/N],” Luke whispered, collapsing onto the chair beside you, “Please wake up”


"Ashton, I’m fine," You assure him over the phone. "Are you sure? A week into tour and you’ve landed yourself in hospital, do you know how worried I am?!"

You rolled your eyes,” Yes babe, I know but it was an accident. I’ll be more careful next time, I promise” “Okay,” Ashton said, worry still laced in his tone,”When will your leg get better?”

"Maybe in a month or so? Before you come home anyways," You told him. "Oh god, I just want to rush home and take care of you," He sighed, "Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Now go and make me proud rock star!"


"[Y/N]! What happened?" Calum asked you as he burst into your hospital room. "Chill Cal, I just fell," You told him.

"Yeah, off a freaking tree! What if you got yourself paralysed? My friends’ brother fell off a tree and he had to get a back brace!" Calum shouted.

You grabbed your hand into his, stroking it with your thumb,”Relax, I’m fine aren’t I?” “Yeah,” Calum sighed, putting his head down onto your lap,”I’m just worried, you know? I don’t want you to get hurt ever again!”


Upon hearing that you were in a car crash, Michael rushed to the hospital as fast as he could. When he arrived, your brother was outside your room in tears.

"[Y/B/N]! Is [Y/N] okay?" Michael asked him. Your brother nodded his head,"Yeah she’s fine but.." "But what?"

"She doesn’t remember anything. She didn’t even remember her name!" Michael froze at those words, before he ran into your room. "[Y/N]! [Y/N]! You remember me, right?!" Michael shouted.

You stared at him, confused and scared, shaking your head shyly. “I don’t know you,” You whispered,”I’m sorry”

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