Late Nights

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Luke: He would be a “bad boy” and sneak out of his house, which was right next door, and come over to yours in the dead of night. He would knock on your window lightly to tell you he was there and you would open it to let him in. You two would then spend most of the rest of the night talking and cuddling. If you made it to dawn, you would say goodbye to him and if you fell asleep, you’d wake up to a sweet text saying he loved you.

Calum: You would go over to his house since your parents thought he was a good kid, which he was, and you would stay the night. The two of you would watch movies and you would hide your face whenever you got scared or the scene was too gory. Then he would make fun of you because of it, but you knew he was joking. His mom would then come break up the party and made sure one of you was on the couch and the other in his bedroom. You usually took the couch, but even then, in the middle of the night you would sneak into his room and cuddle up to him. His mom would find the two of you in the morning, asleep in his bed, but she knew you did nothing because her room was right next door.

Michael: You two would stay up late watching tv or playing his video games but when the both of you got tired of it, you would both chill out on the couch and talk about life or random things that would pop into your heads. You would ask him what color his hair would be next so you could win the bet between the boys about what color he was going next. You never know with him. He would ask you how you’ve been and what you felt like doing the next day. Usually the talking ended putting on of you asleep.

Ashton: You would both go out to McDonald’s because you would be wanting it in the middle of the night like some stoner, even though you weren’t one. Then you would get bored and go to the nearest Walmart and run around the aisles like idiots until you get yelled at by one of the employees that you couldn’t do that or couldn’t play with that. After that happens, the fun quiets down and you end up going back to one of your houses to sleep the little hours you had until sunrise.

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