Decorating The Christmas Tree

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Ashton: “Now, Ash, you have to be careful with this one. It’s new and I don’t want you breaking it,” you mumbled as you carefully slid one of the biggest ornaments out of it’s box. Light blues and whites danced over its surface. Blue and white was your tree’s theme this year. “Why are you so serious about a silly ornament?” He questioned as he carelessly took it from your grasp and hung it loosely on a branch. “It’s just a-” CRASH! Ashton stopped talking and quickly spun around to see the ornament in pieces, glass scattered across the floor. “Really, Ash!? Really!?” You groan as you push past him to grab a broom. Before you could walk into the pantry, he had your arm in his grip. “Oh, come on, babe. It’s just an ornament. We can buy another one, I promise,” he giggled as he brought you close to his chest. “I hate you,” you mumbled against him. “Love you too!”

Calum: “Ready?” Calum mumbles as he bends forward. “Yep,” you reply as you hop onto his back, Calum situating you onto him before walking towards the tree. “Be careful! Don’t knock the tree over!” Your mother screeched as she watched you fumble with the top of the tree. “You okay down there, Cal?” You called to him, hoping that he wasn’t struggling with your weight as you bent the tree towards you. “Fine!” He responded, not even phased by you. After successfully putting the star at the top of the tree, Calum stepped backwards so the two of you could admire your work. “You guys! It looks amazing!” Your mother grinned, clapping excitedly before taking a picture. “Good job, babe!” Calum grinned, twisting his neck and pursing his lips. “You didn’t do too bad either,” you compliment as you lean in a bit to reward him with a kiss.

Luke: “Hey Luke?” You call. You had the last of the ornaments in your hands and you couldn’t reach the top of the tree due to your height. “Yeah?” He responded. Luke was busy in the kitchen attempting to bake cookies for the two of you. The kitchen wasn’t really his place. “Can you help me put these up?” You called, reaching up but barely getting to the place you wanted. Luke chuckled lightly before walking over and taking the ornaments you wanted on the tree. He simply hung them up with ease, no trouble whatsoever. “And you said you wouldn’t need any help,” he teased before kissing your temple. “Fuck you,” you mumble, a smile teasing the corners of your lips as you felt his kiss, “I’m not helping you with the cookies then!” “Fine. But when they come out burnt, I’m blaming you for not helping out,” he retorted as he returned to his place in the kitchen, knowing that you’d end up helping anyway.

Michael: “Right here?” Michael questioned as he placed an ornament on a branch. “To the left,” you stated as Michael hummed the beginning of Irreplaceable by Beyonce in a joking manner. “What about here?” He questioned, looking to you for approval. “No, down a bit more,” you sighed, shaking your head. “Where do you want it then?” He groaned as he threw his head back. “Right there!” You tried once more, pointing to a spot on the tree. Michael’s head shot up before a smirk graced his full lips. “Where?” “Right there,” you reiterated. “Now can you moan it for me?” He giggled, his hand reaching out to rub the exposed skin of your waist. “You’re no help,” you blushed before reaching for the ornament in Michael’s hand.

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