He Loves You and Everyone Else Knows, Except You

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Ashton: “When does her plane arrive?” asked Luke once he plopped himself on Ashton’s bed. Calum and Michael were sitting on chairs opposite of Luke with guitars in their hands. The three of them all looked up at Ashton who was pacing around his room, tapping his phone against his palm. “In an hour…” he replied before falling back onto his bed. Luke looked over at Cal and Michael before saying, “Mate, you got to tell her someday.” “Yeah, or else it’s going to be too late,” added Michael while he strummed a few chords. Ashton stared at his ceiling and exhaled. He knew his friends were right. He was in love you, but he was so afraid to tell you. “I’ll tell her at the airport,” said Ashton. Calum nodded and patted Ashton’s knee. “Atta boy. Some airport love…” With a smile, Ashton nodded. He was going to confess his feelings to you once and for all. When the boys were waiting for you at the airport, Ashton stood in front of the terminal with his arms crossed, nervous. Finally, he saw the top of your head walk out the dark tunnel. His face lit and he said to himself the exact words he was going to tell you. “I missed you, and I love you. I love you…” he repeated quietly as he straightened his back. Once you finally made your way out of the crowd, you spotted Ashton and smiled wide while tugging onto the hand that was placed in yours. Ashton not only saw you, but the guy you had decided to bring home. And in that moment, he continued to smile because he was happy to see you, but inside, he was gutted because now you were never going to know how he really felt about you. He loved you and everyone else knew it, except you.

Calum: You and the boys were all hanging out in Calum’s bedroom doing absolutely nothing. You were sitting on the bed with Calum while the other three boys found comfort on the floor and computer chair. Calum’s head was rested on your lap while you played on your phone. “So what, we’re just going to sit here an do nothing? Come on, Luke, play a song.” You said, looking up from your phone and staring directly over to the blonde who already had a guitar in his hands. Calum’s hands grabbed a few strands of your hair and started braiding. “Yeah, Luke, you heard the lady. Play a song,” he added. You smiled down at Calum while he continued braiding your hair. Luke groaned and strummed a few chords. “Fine. I feel like Calum will relate to this song…” his fingers began strumming the guitar quietly before he sang out the first verse. “You know I’d fall apart with you/Don’t know how you do what you do/Cause everything that don’t make sense about me/Makes sense when I’m with you…” As soon as Luke sang the words, Calum sat up and turned to glare at his friend. Ashton and Michael, who were on the floor, looked at each other and bit down on their bottom lip to prevent themselves from laughing. You sat back with a smile on your face and said, “Oh I love this song!” Calum shook his head and looked over at his other two friends. They knew how Calum felt about you, but you were completely unaware. Mainly because Calum was too afraid to make a move. He was afraid of rejection. Luke continued on with the song while Calum looked back at you with a smile. “I want to wrap you up/Want to kiss your lips/I want to make you feel wanted…” He loved you and everyone else knew it, except you.

Luke: You were a singer that had just started posting videos on Youtube and once you finally had your own little group of supporters, they started sending your link out to different singers and bands in hopes they would notice you. When you received a notification from @Luke5SOS saying ‘Wow, you have an incredible voice. I’ll check out you channel…” You were so excited. Of course you were familiar with 5 Seconds of Summer. Anyone who wasn’t was surely living under a rock. When Luke had tweeted you again saying he watched almost all of your videos, you freaked. He was such a sweetheart and from then on you two became really good friends. You two had known each other for months now and he was very supportive of your channel. Wherever he was, he constantly talked about you to the guys. Fan had also noticed his interaction with you and they started watching your videos, supporting you as well. Luke had also started tweeting song lyrics that were pretty obvious, but you just thought they were normal song lyrics. “I can’t wait to meet her,” he told the guys one night. They were all in their hotel beds, watching TV in the dark. “Well, we’re heading her way in a few weeks. Maybe she could be our opening act,” said Michael with a chuckle. Luke nodded. “That’s a great idea. I’ll call her,” he said and pulled out his phone to start a FaceTime. They all knew his feelings towards you. He was absolutely crazy about you. When you received his request for a FaceTime video call, you answered. “Hey Luke,” you said with a smile. He switched on the bedside lamp and waved. “Hey, so I got to tell you something…” “Oh wait, hold on, Luke,” you told him before placing your phone down. He waited for a few seconds and then you suddenly popped up again. “Luke, I want to introduced you to someone. This is Drew, my boyfriend.” Since it was a FaceTime call, the other boys had heard. They all gasped and scooted closer to him. Luke faked a smile. “Nice to meet you, mate. Look, I’ll just call you back.” And with that, he ended the call. Michael, Ashton, and Calum all patted Luke on the back. “Hey man, it’s alright… It’s alright.” He loved you and everyone else knew it, except you.

Michael: You were a famous Youtuber who happened to be very close to 5 Seconds of Summer and out of all the guys, you had managed to catch Michael’s eye. Since you were known for making Youtube videos, your fans had expected you to film some while hanging out with the boys. After many tries, you ended up filming with just Michael and that was pretty much it. You two basically talked to the camera about bands, fashion, and food and you realized that Michael was a really cool guy and you were glad to know him and the rest of the boys. Since that video was posted, many of your subscribers, fans, and followers had started shipping you and Michael but you casually laughed it off. He was just a really great guy. “She’s absolutely gorgeous,” Michael said randomly during their day off. The other three boys all turned to him and nodded. “You’ve said that over a hundred times since you two filmed that video together. When are you going to do something about it?” Ashton asked. Michael sat on the bed, holding tightly onto Derpy. “I don’t know. Probably never…” Luke shook his head and spoke up. “Mikey, come on. You two have chemistry. Take a chance, man. Take a fucking chance.” Michael had gone through Twitter and read some of his interactions. Many of your subscribers and followers had tweeted you saying you two looked great together and that made him smile. He tweeted a line from one of his favorite McFly songs: Michael5SOS: Sick of waiting, I can’t take it got to tell ya… But of course, you were too busy to even notice his tweet. Michael loved you and his fans and your fans all knew it, except you.

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