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Ashton: As Ashton and the boys sat down to be interviewed by an American radio host, you stood proudly watching them and smiling to yourself. “So Boy’s, I heard from a little birdy that one of you…” A smile as big as the Cheshire Cat’s appeared on Ash’s face, as she looked at him “Is not a single man anymore…” “No, I’m sorry girls but your boy Ashton has found a lady love.” He said smirking to himself, knowing you’d be doing the same yourself in the greenroom.

Calum: “Calum we heard that you and your woman have been, urm lets say getting close with each other recently” Smallzy and the boys all laughed, “I’m not afraid to say that’s not true!” Calum’s face blushed with excitement knowing he’d get home as fast as lighting to well ‘Get Close’ again. “So details?” The boys egged him on to talk about it all, “I’m afraid that what happens between y/n and I is strictly between us, even if it is pretty amazing!”

Luke: Luke and the boys were in an interview, and the questions got onto relationships. Like always there was the ‘so who’s single’ question and then the conversation turned to your’s and Luke’s love life. “Oh yeah, there’s something I was meant to tell you all about actually,” Luke began “y/n and I are no longer going out with each other…” The audience went silent, that was until he blurted out, “WE’RE ENGAGED!”

Michael: You and Michael had been together a while and you both being musicians you had a bright idea, to do a song together. You had an interview on Aussie TV to talk about your song but being a couple, well the audience wanted to know some other things. “The only thing you guy’s need to know is that y/n is the one and only woman I want in my life, she’s beautiful, funny, talented and perfect for me.” With that coo’s and aw’s erupted in the studio, everyone loved you both.

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