You Are Feeling Sick So You Wake Him Up And He Comforts You

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Ashton: You had been feeling under the weather all day but you pushed it to the back of your mind and went to bed, hoping that you could sleep it off. About halfway through the night, a sharp pain in your stomach woke you up. You instantly sat up, tears filling your eyes as you placed your hand on the source of the pain in a feeble attempt to soothe it. You began to move around on the bed, trying to get as comfortable as possible but nothing worked. Instead, you went downstairs and made some tea. While the tea was cooling down, you searched the cupboards looking for some paracetamol but you couldn’t find any, leaving you with one thing left to do. You had to wake Ashton and ask him to find some for you. You walked upstairs trying to be as quiet as possible as you crawled over your side of the bed until you were lying down, your face inches away from his. “Ash..”, you whispered, brushing your fingers over his face as he began to stir. “What time is it?”, he uttered, sleep thickening his voice. “3am”, you sigh, looking at the alarm clock on the bedside table. “Y/n, what are you doing up at this time?”, he turned over so that he was looking up at the ceiling, running a hand through his bed hair. “I didn’t feel well…and then I couldn’t find paracetamol…I’m really sorry for waking you up, it’s just I thought you might know where I put th-“, you were cut off as Ashton sat up and pulled you towards him, his arms wrapping around your shoulders. “Don’t be sorry, I’m glad you woke me up because now I can look after you”, he said as he got up and left the room. When he returned, he had more tea, hot water bottle, some films and paracetamol. Once you had settled back into bed, you cuddled into his chest for the rest of the night.

Michael: You had been ill with a stomach bug for the past two days but you thought you were finally over the worst of it. You had some food before heading up to bed, considering Michael was still at the studio. Halfway through the night, you woke up in a sweat and all of your clothes were stuck to your body. You had a strange sensation in your stomach and you barely made it in the bathroom before you threw up all the food you had eaten earlier. You wiped your face over with wipe and brushed your teeth before you went back to bed. As you slid back under the covers, Michael’s arms found their way around your waist and he pulled you close to him placing a kiss on the back of your neck. Just as you were getting comfortable, the strange sensation was back and you unhooked Michael’s arms from your waist and ran back to the bathroom. Only this time, you woke Michael up. His tired eyes searched the room as his eyes fell on the light coming from the bathroom. He got out of bed and followed you. As he stepped onto the cold tiles of the bathroom, he saw your figure slumped over the toilet, your skin was pale as a ghost and a concerned expression filled his face. His hands instantly went to under your arms as he picked you up and sat you on the floor. He took a seat next to you, holding your chin up so that you were looking at him. “Do you feel any better?”, he asked as you shook your head, your hands still holding your upset stomach. “Well it looks like we’re camping out in here”, and with that, he left the room returning minutes later with several blankets and pillows as he made a bed on the floor for the both of you. Even though you were extremely ill, all the effort that he was putting in to try and take care of you managed to make you smile.

Calum: You had been suffering from a chesty cough for a few days now and it had been keeping you awake. But it was particularly bad within the early hours of the morning and as you began coughing, you heard Calum stir next to you. You decided to walk downstairs until you could get your coughing under control because you didn’t want to wake him up. As your cough began to slowly die down, you made your way back upstairs but just as you were getting back into bed, the coughing fit started again and this time, Calum reached out and pulled you down to him. “Fancy trying to cough a bit quieter?”,he muttered, a smile covering his face. You immediately sat up and began coughing just because you knew it got to Calum. Your cough was cut short when Calum jumped on top of you, refusing to move until you agreed to take a spoonful of honey in order to soothe your throat. As soon as you agreed, he ran and got it for you. “It’ll make your throat so much better, you just watch”, Calum laughed as you made a disgusted face before putting the honey spoon into your mouth. Calum was right, it did make your throat so much better. You gave him a kiss on his cheek and cuddled into his side before falling back asleep, although you never did admit that he was right.

Luke: You woke up in the middle of the night due to the chest infection that you were diagnosed with a couple of days ago. It honestly felt like someone was sitting on your chest and half of the time, you couldn’t breathe properly. You sat up in bed and watched Luke sleeping next to you. You watched the steady rise and fall of his chest as he breathed in and out. You didn’t want to wake him so instead you began to make your way downstairs but on your way out of the bedroom, you tripped over a shoe that was in your way. Luke sat up, rubbing his eyes as he noticed you laying on the floor, silently laughing to yourself. “Y/n why the hell are you awake at 2 in the morning and why are you laying on the floor laughing?”, Luke questioned as he made his way over to you, his hand outstretched ready to help you up. “I fell over while I was on my way downstairs…I can’t sleep because of this stupid chest infection”, you muttered once you had finally stopped laughing. Luke helped you up and turned his back to you. “Jump on my back”, Luke said, and you obeyed as he gave you a piggyback out of the bedroom and down the stairs. “Luke, why are you giving me a piggyback?”, you asked as he put you down in the lounge. “Because you’re ill and I don’t trust you to walk down the stairs on your own, you fell over once…I didn’t want you getting seriously hurt”, he replied, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around you both as you cuddled on the sofa. You placed a soft kiss on his cheek before you rested your head on his chest. “I hope you feel better soon y/n, I’m sorry you’re feeling like this”, Luke whispered before putting the tv on, “but hopefully some cartoons will help to cheer you up”.

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