Sneezing Fit

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Michael- You were sitting next to Michael,scrolling through Twitter on your phone as he played Call of Duty. You laughed as he swore and yelled “go go go!” every now and then. He’d been trying to complete a mission for awhile, but kept failing. He about to win, and he his character was about to throw it and complete the mission “go go go go go!” he yelled excitedly. Just as he was about to press the button, he sneezed violently causing him to press the wrong button, dropping the grenade and killing his own character. “What!? No! GOD FUCKING DA-” he was  interrupted as he started sneezing again. You started laughing. “WHAT THE F-” he tried saying before sneezing again. You were laughing so hard that you accidentally snorted and then you gasped and covered your mouth with both hands. You both sat there in silence for a few seconds before you looked at eachother and both started uncontrollably laughing. He wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you to him, kissing your temple and said “Fuck this lets just order some pizza and watch a movie or something.” whipping out his phone and calling the pizza place.

Luke- Luke was walking you up to your door after a date. “That was really fun Luke, thank you.” you smiled. “No problem, we should do this again sometime.” He replied. He was about to lean in to kiss you when he pulled back really quickly and covered his mouth with his arm before sneezing loudly. “I’m sorr- Achoo!” he sneezed again, causing you to giggle. “Hold on” he said backing up before sneezing again a few times. When he was done he shook his head, as if he was trying to shake off what just happened. “soo… you probably don’t want to kiss me now right?” “wrong” you smirked as you pulled him in for a kiss and he rested his hands on your hips. “See you tommorow.” he said with a huge smile plastered on his face as he pulled away, he was blushing madly.

Ashton- You and Ashton were cuddling in bed, with you laying on his chest. You tilted your head up to kiss him and it turned into you two making out. “I knew you wanted me.” he smirked. “Is that so?” you asked still kissing him. “Yeah. No one can resist this much sexy-” he started to joke sarcastically before sneezing really loudly. You started laughing and he just kept sneezing. “No one can handle that much sexy huh?” you teased once he finally stopped. He just pouted and said”But I am sexy right?” “Maybe a little bit.” You giggled before kissing him again.

Calum-You were studying in the living while Calum sat behind you kissing your neck, trying to convince you to take a break. “Baaabbbbeee” he whined. “Hold on Calum, just five more minutes.” “Fine but hurry u-” he was saying until he started sneezing. He was trying to stop but he couldn’t and you just laughed. “Babe.” you said seriously. He just looked at you questioningly, not asking what since he couldn’t stop sneezing. “Babe.” you said again. “What?” he asked finally able to speak again. “Stop.” You said bluntly, but still jokingly. He just shoved your shoulder and laughed “You’re supposed to comfort ne I almost just died!” he giggled. “You didn’t almost die Cal you’re fine!” you laughed. “Okay but can we please go out now, I need t get my mind of of that. I was just traumatized!” he pouted. “Fiiinneee” you smiled as you got up and put on your shoes, and Calum kissed you on the before opening the door and leading you to the car to go get dinner.

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