You Catch Him Alone With The Baby

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Luke: Helping with the baby had always scared Luke, but he knew he would need the experience sometime soon. Therefore, as he ran errands around town and in the house, your son was always with him, cradled tightly to his chest. You didn't tell him that you were going to be home around six, but when you were, you went up to the nursery and looked in. "Did you have a busy day buddy? I bet you did and now you're all sleepy." He bent over the wall on the crib and looked in. "Take your nap and when mommy gets home you can see her. I love you." He kissed your sons forehead and backed up towards you. He turned around and his face went blank for a second before hugging you. "You saw all that didn't you." "You're gonna be an amazing father," you said before softly kissing him.

Ashton: Being with babies came naturally to Ashton, seeing as he helped raise Lauren and Harry. So one day, when you came home quietly from the gym, you weren't surprised to find the house so quiet. You were satisfied with the calmness of it all, so you went upstairs to take a shower. As you passed the practice room, you saw Ashton showing your daughter the instruments in there. "And this is what daddy plays, but it's not a very good thing to put you to sleep with," he said kneeling down so she could hit the symbols. "And that's what mommy plays," he said going over to the piano. "She can play you all those nice songs to help you go night night." He kissed her tiny head and brought her close to his chest. "I promise I'm not gonna let anything happen to you princess. Never, never ever."

Michael: You could barely trust Michael with your mothers china set, let alone your baby boy. But when you had to go to work, you had to put your full trust in him. Of course Michael panicked when he started crying, and when you didn't answer your phone because you left it charging, he did everything in his power to keep your son from crying. "Okay, so I've seen your mom do this," he said pulling off his diaper. "I can do this," he said throwing it away. Your son had stopped crying and had moved to sniffling, watching this big man with an unknown color of hair touch him. As soon as the diaper was changed, Michael picked him up and brought him to his chest, and your son automatically pulled his hair. "Hey, I need that. Not my fault you don't have any," he said as he kept pulling on his blue locks. You had run back to get your phone and as you were leaving, you watched as he walked around the room with him. "Maybe...maybe one day I can get you a different color hair. Like the color that mommy likes on pretty boys like daddy." You smiled to yourself before running back to your car.

Calum: You hadn't ever really been away from your daughter, and when you had to go back to work, you were tentative about leaving her with Calum. "Your mom thinks I'm gonna hurt you or something," he said as she was sitting in her baby swing. "I don't think I could ever do that." She looked at him with big eyes and giggled, spit going down her chin. "Oh no, we can't have you looking like Uncle Mikey when he eats," he said taking her burping cloth and wiping her chin with it. Meanwhile, since you were worried, on your lunch break you stopped home to check on your family. Quietly entering the house, you saw Calum and your daughter lying on the floor, his back to you. She was wriggling around and giggling and being a happy baby. "Mommy and I love you so much angel," he said kissing her tiny forehead. "Are you ticklish? I bet you are," he said starting to blow raspberrys on her stomach. That's when you knew there was nothing to be worried about as long as Calum was there.

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