Episode 13 - A Choice Made

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"Or this army!" Calls my Father.

My eye's widen when I see the Skulkin army standing behind them. A smile jumps to my face. While Samukai was a worthless sack of bones, I quite liked some of the others. They are loyal and always manage to make me laugh with their stupidity. The funny thing is, I never really noticed this until after we left the Underworld. They were like family to me. I missed them, if I'm honest.

"Dad!" Lloyd shouts.

"Lloyd, you helped me realize I do have a choice. And if there is anyone who is going to threaten Ninjago, it better well be me," Father replies. I cant help the goofy grin painted on my face.

"The Skeleton army? But why would they fight beside you? You betrayed them and Samukai long ago," Pythor yells.

"Because everybody hates snakes!" Yells Kruncha. I let out a cry of agreement.

With shouts of attack, the Skulkin and snakes jump into battle. We watch in distress, longing to get down there and join them. Our prayers are answered when our cage starts moving down... until we realize there's venom below us. Luckily, Lloyd manages to unlock us before we get disintegrated.

"Told you I'd save you!" he shouts.

The Ninja jump into battle with the snakes. I fight too, but my main goal is to find Kruncha an Nuckal. They were some of my best friends in the Underworld, after all. I eventually find them battling with Scales. I fire an arrow at him, scaring him away. The two Skulkins turn towards me. If they could grin, they would.

"Tasha!" Nuckal yells. I run over and pull both of them into a hug.

"Long time no see," I say happily.

"You're a ninja now?" Kruncha says curiously.

I smile. "Yes, you could call me one."

"Let's get out of here!" Kai yells. I hesitate to follow him.

"Don't worry about us. We'll keep fighting the good fight," Nuckal says. I smile and give them one last hug before following the others.

"I never thought I'd be saying this, but go Ninja, go!" I hear Kruncha yell after me.


We're having a party to celebrate our success in retrieving the Fangblades. Nya is dressing up. She says I should too. That's why I wear I fitted black crop top that zips in the front with a dark violet pencil skirt. For the first time since I was young, my hair is pulled up into a pony tail. Nya says I look good. I only hope Kai agrees.

I plan to tell Kai how I feel tonight. My father's speech about having a choice inspired me. He's right, I do have a choice. I'm not gonna choose good, because deep down, it's not who I am. I enjoy causing mischief. What I choose is Kai. He's makes me feel happy. I want to be with him. I want to be on his side because I want to be with him. He needs to know that.

I'm pretty sure he does like my outfit. When I entered with Nya, he fell silent. He's been watching me ever since. Now I just have to work the courage to go talk to him. I know he likes me back. Since my Dad pointed it out, it's been obvious. I don't know what I'm so scared of.

"He left, didn't he?" Nya says. I turn to her in confusion, then see my gloomy brother. Nya smiles at him. "Then have some Snogfruit Punch. Cole made it and it's actually not that bad." She hands my brother a cup and raises hers in the air. "To Lloyd and Tasha's dad!"

"Hear, hear!" The boys respond.

Lloyd smiles at me.  "To dad!"

"Tomorrow, we arrive at Torchfire Mountain to destroy these Fangblades once and for all. And it couldn't have been done without your father. I'm going to miss him," Uncle says. Everyone cheers once again before returning back to their own conversations.

Kai comes up to me. "I thought you would have gone with him," He says, startling me slightly.

I turn towards him, smile, and shake my head. "No. You were right, I do have a choice."

He returns my smile. "You chose good, then?"

I shake my head. His smile falters slightly, so I take his hands in mine. "I choose you."

His mouth falls open in shock. "Tasha.. I-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips to his.

That last scene: kinda cheesy, kinda cringy, kinda cute. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! We're almost done with season one, only three more chapters! Until next time, Wacky AWAY!

Word Count: 2516

Promises (Ninjago's Kai x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora