Chapter Thirty Six - Tris

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Allie is crying and I don't know what to do about it. I've never been good with kids – when Caleb and I were growing up in Abnegation, we'd have to help out weekly at the preschool around the corner. We'd help feed the little kids, read them stories, and play games with them Tap.

Tap was a game that we used to play lots, where you play with one other person and you both have a pile of cards. You then take turns placing the cards into the middle, until two cards top of each other are the same. As soon as they are the same, you have to gently tap the pile with your fingers, and whoever does it first takes the deck and adds it to their pile. The person with the most cards at the end wins. I've seen this game played before in Dauntless and Amity, but Dauntless call it Snap and their version involves a lot of shouting, and Amity call it Splat, and it involves a lot of laughter.

Anyhow, I'm not a kid sort of person. As Allie sobs into my shoulder, clutching her forearm tightly to block out the pain, I try to think of something to take my mind off the salty tears soaking into my shirt. I wonder where Tobias is now? I feel a pang of longing in my stomach, and I sigh like a wounded bird. I miss him more than I could ever say.

Where are you, Tobias? I ask in my head.

Trapped, a reply comes back, which makes me want to laugh at my damaged mind. I'm so desperate for what it was like before. Not the war, but when Jeanine was the tyrant. She seems gentle now compared to the what Bureau and David did.

"Here, look," I say as kindly as I can, holding my forearm parallel to Allie's. "At least we have the same one! It's just like one of those Amity friendship bracelets, only just a tattoo instead!"

"That doesn't really help, you know," Allie sobs.

"Sorry," I say. I tried.

"Thanks for trying though," she mumbles into my shirt, and although I am not a kid sort of person, I relent and gather her into my lap like a little puppy dog, stroking her hair with gentle movements. She buries her face into me, and I sigh. Is this what it's like to have children? I guess I'll never know, since I'm doomed to travel the country with a band of tattoo-covered nutters. I peel back my shirt sleeve to reveal my tattoo, the grey petals of the rose spread like feathers. I wonder what they mean – nothing good probably.

"It's New York," says Allie, making me jump. I look down at her tear-stained face in confusion.

"Sorry? New York?"

"It's where they're talking us, I think," she says, sniffling and wiping her nose on her already grubby sleeve. "I overheard Mr. Orange and dumbbells talking about it, and some June lady."

"Oh, you mean Troy and Muscled Thug? That's what I call them anyway."


"And who's this June? She sounds like the kind of old lady who brings Dauntless cake to book group."

"They said she had a plan, which to be honest sounds pretty creepy to me," Allie replies, and I immediately feel bad for not taking her information seriously.

"Well, I say we sleep on it and talk more in the afternoon when our arms have stopped hurting."

"Is it really that quick to stop aching?" Allie asks, and I sigh. Best to tell her the truth straight up.

"Nah, not really. I was just trying to make you feel better. The area that's been tattooed usually stings for about three days, the aches for two more. It's more or less healed by the end of the week though, so we'll be fine."

"Oh, okay," says Allie. "But I'm worried about Jak. Why are they keeping him up front?"

"I don't know, but he'll be sent back here eventually and we can ask him ourselves. I guess he must be a pretty good brother to mean that much to you huh?"

"Uhh, yeah, he's... okay I guess."

My year or so at Dauntless taught me well, and I am certain that she is lying to my face. I let it slide though, because she's thirteen, tired to the bone, sleep deprived and in pain from a brand new tattoo. I sigh, closing my eyes against the pale sunlight, even though it is only eleven.

Tobias, I think as I drift off to sleep. I miss you.

*Okay, this is officially a dead story bc nobody has seen these last, oh, idk, 20 chaps except myself, so I don't see much point in writing this but I'm doing it anyway. Thanks a ton if you're reading this, so let me know if you enjoyed by hitting that vote button for me! Ly XXX (Will update soon if possible, and I'm begging you, please leave me a comment if you're finding this story boring, I will not be offended in the least)*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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