Chapter Twenty Nine - Tobias

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"So, how was that?" my father asks. I don't look at him, I just continue to lie face-down on the lab floor. The smell lemon floor-cleaner makes my eyes burn, but I'd rather that than having to see his face.

"It was terrifying," I say, knowing that to admit to weakness is better than denying it.

"See anything, oh, I don't know, traumatising?"

"I wouldn't call it traumatising, because it's never going to happen. But, yes, it was unpleasant."

Marcus merely smirks. "Get back on the table."

I get up off the floor and onto the table. I begin to eye a beaker of bubbling blue liquid, wondering if I have any chance of grabbing it and smashing it on my father's head before he hurts me. I doubt it.

"Now, I have a little surprise for you," says Marcus slyly. "Here you go."

Marcus hands me a pink card with a red heart printed inside it. In the middle of the heart, three words stand out in white ink – I missed you. I turn it over, but the back is blank. I look up at my father, confused. He grins nastily.

"Blank for your own message. Now, have fun!"

I scrunch up my forehead in concentration as I stare at the lettering. What does it mean?

I can see through the glass pane in the door that Marcus is fiddling about with something. Is the card from him to me? Because I haven't seen him in four years? I don't think so. I watch as Marcus pulls a lever, and the wall at the far side of the room begins to rise. There is most likely a pack of hungry dogs waiting to tear me to shreds behind that wall.

As the door rises, I can see that there is a thick layer of glass behind the screen. I peer under it, and glimpse a pair of pale, bare feet. Petit, but with worn soles.

Once the person behind the screen is fully visible, I stand, paralysed in shock. It can't be. No, it must be my imagination. But she's there – whole and visible with blue-grey eyes glistening through a matted sheaf of blonde hair. It's her; my Tris. She's alive.

*Hey guys, hope you liked that chap! I will let the next chapter remain a mystery until I publish it this afternoon. Thanks if you're reading, and I know some people don't like to vote, but it would really help me out! Anyways, we've got over 150 reads!! Yay!*

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