Chapter One - Tris

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I wake to the sound of someone clattering about near me. I open my eyes and find myself in pitch darkness – I barely remember what happened. I try to sit up but m forced back by a painful knock to the head, and I feel around myself. It seems that I am encased in a metal box, and I can see a hatch by my feet. I shuffle about in my prison, and the floor shifts beneath me on its wheels.

And that's when I realise. I'm in a morgue.

In a flash all the events of yesterday spill into my head. Caleb, the death serum, David, the shots. I feel around on my stomach in a panic and find only raised bruises where the bullets penetrated my skin. I feel fine – very unlike a dead person would feel.

I brace my hands on the sides of the metal box and kick hard on the door. It doesn't open first try, but a second kick does it. The locks are broken; I guess dead people don't tend to try and escape. I wriggle out of the shelf, dusting myself off. I look up and am faced with a startled young woman. I stare back at her, before slapping a fake smile on my face.

"Lovely space for a nap," I say awkwardly.

"Haha, yeah..." says the girl, before promptly fainting. I attempt to catch her, but only end up catching her lab coat, causing her to hit her head on one of the steel countertops. Oops.

I prop her up on the wall and run up the stairs into the main body of the Bureau. I see a janitor in a green jumpsuit at the end of the corridor. I jog towards him.

"Have you seen Tobias Eaton recently?" I ask. The janitor just shakes his head. 

*Thanks for reading! I will try to update tomorrow (I doubt anyone has read this anyway). Btw, I know that Tobias and the others scattered Tris' ashes, but this will come into the story later.*

*Edit - Please Read! : Hi guys, around 190 people have read this story now, or at least one of the chapters. Ily all, but is it really too much to ask for you to vote for my story? No pressure, don't vote if you don't want to, but it'd be absolutely amazing if you could vote and/or comment if you enjoyed. If you didn't enjoy it, why? Please tell me - all feedback will be super helpful to me! Thanks again for reading! Just out of interest, where did you find my story? Sorry for this super long note, ly guys and see u soon! (Also do check out the next chapters, it gets better I promise!)*

*If you dislike this FanFic for some reason, please please please comments he tell me why!!! I'm not kidding - I promise I won't get offended by any comments, I value all feedback! Chapters DO get longer at about Chapter Thirty, so hang in there please! Ly xxx*

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