Chapter Twenty - Cassie

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Four is resting, so I leave him with Gavin and head off to Dr Kyla's office. Kyla is my executive, and her real name is Kylana Trester, but everyone just calls her Kyla. She smiles when I enter her office.

"Good evening, Cassie!" she says. "How is everything going?"

"Everything seems fine down at the ward," I reply. "You wanted to see me?"

"Ah yes," says Kyla, rifling through the piles of paper spread out across her desk. The stops after a few seconds and plucks a paperclipped sheaf of paper from the mess. She taps the bottom of it on the desk to straighten them out, then hands them to me.

I look down at the name on the paper: Beatrice Prior. I frown when I notice the dates – date of birth, 10th February. Date of death, 16th August. I am shocked by the gap between the years: she died at around age seventeen. I feel a slight ache in my gut. Yes, I'm a nurse and work in a hospital, seeing people die every day. But I always get a slight creeping sadness deep inside me when I come across a premature death, especially one that could have been avoided. Cause of death... shots to the upper and lower body. I look back up and at Kyla. She smiles sadly at me.

"We believe, and so does the Four's mother, that this girl is the root of his depression."

"Go on," I say.

"So, we were thinking that we need to wean him off her memory somehow. Remove each piece of her from his mind bit by bit, to allow him freedom and a new lease of life."

"You're not suggesting memory extraction?" I exclaim in disbelief. M.E. is the most unstable and unsafe of all the procedures available to patients.

"Indeed I am." Kyla says it with such a forlorn look on her face that I can tell that she clearly does not want to.

"But what about the boy?" I say. "He'll never let the treatment go ahead, not while the memories are so fresh in his mind."

"When they are fresh, they are the easiest to erase," Kyla replies.

I sigh, knowing that trying to persuade Kyla otherwise will be futile. Once she sets her mind on something, she doesn't let it go until she's got it.

I leave the room in silence, and make my way back down to the mental ward. I open the door to Four's room to see Gavin struggling. I rush over to help, to find Four fighting, struggling to break free from his restraints. I knew this would happen.

When a person is without oxygen for four minutes or more, they can be left with permeant brain damage. Four's mind is probably playing tricks on him, distorting the world around him.

I grab hold of Four's arm and pin him down to the bed. I don't like to hold him prisoner, but if he was allowed to leave, he would run wild around the hospital, scaring other patients and ultimately getting himself, or someone else, killed.

He squirms and thrashes around on the bed, spilling the cup of water on the table. Gavin and I manage to hold him still until he runs out of steam, collapsing into a deep sleep. We both breathe a sigh of relief. The room is dead silent, apart from the discordant sobbing of Four's mother in the corner. I share a pitying glance with Gavin, before we both leave the room and head into the staffroom to look at the surveillance cameras.

We watch them for a couple of hours, until Mrs Eaton falls silent. I cannot imagine the pain she must be in right now.

*Sorry for all this madness jammed into the last few chapters; the story will straighten out (or should I say twist and turn with all the plot twists ;D) very soon! Please keep reading, b/c I will try my hardest to update every day! Ily all! All 80 or so of you!!*

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