Chapter Thirty Five - Tobias

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"Why am I still here?" I demand, tears long since dried on my cheeks. Marcus smirks.

"Let's just say I have a couple more surprises for you."

"But why now? What have I ever done to you? You're the one who used to beat me!" I spit out the last sentence in disgust. Marcus merely sighs with the manner of a tired teacher.

"Tobias, Tobias, Tobias," he says shaking his head and tutting patronisingly. "All will be revealed; with time."

I sit stiffly, shackles digging into my wrists as I strain to leave the chair, the cruelty of the Tris hologram still sending pain surging through my veins. The sorrow is fresh, like she died all over again. I attempt a scowl at my father. He does not deserve to be called even something that pleasant.

"Just tell me already, you shit," I growl. "Tell me what you plan on doing to me."

Marcus smiles evilly like one of those cartoon baddies. He leans in close to me and his teeth clank next to my ear. "Oh, well if you must know," he whispers. "This is a paid job."

I mull this over in my head, strangely calmly, considering that my body is battered, bleeding and pumped full of adrenaline. Who would pay Marcus to kidnap me from the hospital and show me a hologram of my dead girlfriend? I have no idea – all of the despicable people I could imagine doing this are long gone. I stare Marcus down.

"You didn't answer the question."

"Oh yes, of course," drawls Marcus. "Well, the first thing that I have in store for you is quite shocking," He laughs.

I shiver. The way that he said shocking makes me wonder whether or not electricity is involved.

"I think that you've had enough time to recover. Follow me."

I barely have time to stand before Marcus grabs the chain between my cuffs and hauls me painfully down the corridor and into a side room. I try to resist being strapped to the wall, but to no avail. Marcus presses two cold electrodes onto my forehead, and then onto my now bare chest. My lungs heave in panic, and I can feel myself starting to sweat, beads of moisture collecting on my brow. Marcus smiles.

"I hope you like this," he mutters through gritted teeth, and pulls down hard on a lever on the wall opposite, identical to the one outside the lab. My body tenses as the whirring of the machine fills my ears. I brace myself for a shock of pain, clamping my eyes tightly shut. I wait for my involuntary yell.

I open one of my eyes, then another, and find myself once again in a simulation. Crap. I look around myself; I am in a dark, dark room with no lights on. I can just see a faint glow where the corners of the walls meet, like this is a set in a movie with the studio behind it.

I cautiously take a step forward. Is this my fear landscape again? But this isn't in my fear landscape. I decide to take a risk. The only way I can get out of this prison is to face whatever lies ahead, if I am right in thinking that this sim is like my fear landscape.

"Hello?" I call into the darkness. I am surprised to get a reply.


I jump – that is Tris' voice. I feel a deep ache begin in my stomach and know that this is Marcus' way of taunting me. Yes: Beatrice, beautiful Beatrice, is dead, but I am so vulnerable right now that I would not hesitate to believe in a miracle.

She is so important to me. Was. Was so important.

"Come here," her voice says, disembodied in the inky blackness. It sounds odd, but I oblige. I step blindly towards the sound of her movement.

"Keep coming," she says in that strange voice again. I continue waking forwards until I feel my hands, stretched out in front of me, find her face. I cannot see her, but I feel the smile dimples form in her cheeks. I smile too.

"I've missed you, baby," says Tris. I stop stroking her cheek – that doesn't sound right. Tris would never call me baby. The only time I could possibly image her being so 'romantic' would be... Oh. When she was naked.

"Come get me," she whispers in my ear, and I shiver. I shake my head to snap myself out of it. No, Tobias, she is not really here. This is just a dream, a sim. But still, she is so close to me, and so warm...

I realise that the reason her voice sounded so odd was because it was seductive. That sort of behaviour is entirely new to me.

I blink, and although I can't see anything, I feel my hand on her bare stomach. I squeeze very slightly out of surprise, and she puts her hands up under my shirt. I push them back down to her sides, and feel my fingers brush her hips.

"Tobias," she moans against my ear.

"No," I say firmly, resisting the urge to tackle this nude projection of my girlfriend in the dark. Still, her lips on my collarbone feel real enough. I sigh, giving in to my animal desires, and pull her close in my arms. She growls unnaturally. I snap myself out of it, and pull away.

"No," I say one final time, and the lights snap on. And there, standing fully clothed in the white room is Christina. I fall back in shock. Her voice changes from Tris' to the one that fits her appearance.

"Tobias! Were you really trying to make a move on me?"

"No," I say as calmly as I can. "No, I thought you were Tris."

"Oh yeah? Right, well of course Tris will be hearing about this."

"No!" I repeat, more desperately this time. "I would never do that to Tris!"

"Yeah, well you just did. See ya, Four," she says, and winks at me as she walks away. I sit on the floor, paralyzed, until I wake up, staring deep into Marcus' Abnegation eyes.

"Fun?" he says.

*Hope u enjoyed!*

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