Chapter Seven - Tris

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I groan as my leg catches on the monstrous bramble growing out of the road. Its thorns leave a long, pink stripe down my calf, where the jumpsuit is rolled up. I grit my teeth and pluck out the few thorns that managed to attach themselves to me, before hoisting my pack back onto my shoulders and continuing.

I wade through the weeds to reach the edge of the road, where crumbling brickwork and fallen stones litter my path. I pick my way through the rubble, until I stop at the sound of a voice. Faint, but there nonetheless.

I press my back against one crumbling wall and step quietly towards the sound. It seems to be coming from a particularly intact ruin. I move my head so that one eye is able to see around the corner of the wall. I hold in a gasp at what I see.

A girl, about by age, and a boy who reminds me painfully of Tobias, sit chained to a metal loop buried in the ground. They share a slice of bread between them as their captors, three women and three men, lounge around a small fire, laughing and eating and chugging down beer. One woman sits to the edge of the group, clearly sober and on watch. I pull back and silence my breathing, although you wouldn't be able to hear it over the clatter of mugs chinking together. I don't know if she's seen me or not. I risk it, and take another peek around the corner. The watch woman is engrossed in her glass of water, swirling it around the glass.

I look over at the two kids – they look painfully thin and weak. One of the men throws his mug of beer over the girl and they all start laughing. The girl sits in stony silence, leaning her head forwards so she can wipe the beer out of her eyes with her shackled hands. While she is leant forwards, one of the tattooed women pours more beer down the back of her shirt. The boy doesn't say anything at all.

I'm just about to charge in and rescue the kids when I hear one of the women mention a number. A very specific number, one that mean more to me than just an amount. Four.

"Four, you bin very quiet today," growled the woman with the dragon tattoo. "And how about you, Tris?" She said my name with malice. "Not so legendary now, are ya? Everyone thought you were dead, but oh no, I wasn't to be fooled. And here you are, alive and – you're not really well, are ya?" The group snickered.

I breathe out in surprise – those thugs have the wrong people! And how on earth did they know that I was alive? If I even am alive and not a ghost. I decide that action must be taken. I shuffle quietly along the wall, around the crumbling corners of the wall and around to the other side. The fourth wall is completely gone, which means that I can't reach the boy and girl without being seen. I step quietly closer, but my foot rolls on a rotten twig and I fall, face first into the open. I look up in shock to see five ugly faces leering down at me, lit up from beneath by the firelight. I look over at the sixth woman, who still sits as still as a statue on a section of the wall.

The boy and the girl who are thought to be me and Tobias look at me, and I see the confusion in their eyes. How am I going to get out of this one?

*Thanks for reading! Will update later today if I can! I can't believe that this has 24 views!! XD*

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