Chapter Eighteen - Tris

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It's cold at night, but it was far colder in the morgue. I shiver very slightly, and rub my hands up and down my goose-pimpled arms. My arms are quite furry from, oh, I don't know, maybe four years without a shave? I look over at Allie and Jak, and am surprised to see Jak touching Allie's hair very slightly. He yanks his hand away quickly when he sees me looking. I begin to wonder whether they are siblings.

The watch lady, the one who hasn't moved from her wall since we arrived, is still staring blankly into the distance. I throw a pebble in her direction. It bounces at her feet, and I expect no movement, but instead she turns her head and looks in the direction the pebble came from. Her eyes find me in the darkness, her pale eyes reflecting the faint embers of the fire. They look like they are filled with molten lava. She regards me a little longer, before her eyes return to the horizon.

I'm trying to fall asleep when the two female thugs come over. To be perfectly honest, they look far scarier than the male ones. Their tattoos depict blood and death and violence. One of them even has a noose tattooed around the base of her neck. I look away from her in disgust.

"Cam on, up ya get, sweetheart!" commands Nooseneck, kicking me with her scruffy boots. I notice silver spurs attached to the heel of it, and dread to think about what they might have been used for in the past.

I stand, expecting to be led away and chained up somewhere else, but instead I am loaded into the back of a cart. They tie my wrists with zip ties, and pull them far too tight. I bite my tounge to dull the pain in my hands. I watch as Jak and Allie are thrown into the cart after me, their hands tied similarly to mine, and Allie has had her gag removed. She reaches over to me with her bound wrists and loosens the scarf from around my mouth, letting it fall to the floor. I sigh in relief, inhaling sweet, cool night air through my teeth. It makes them ache with cold.

The carts begin moving, the lights of the Bureau slowly fading away behind us. For the first time tonight, I wonder where we are going, and what purpose are we supposed to serve. Muscled Thug twists around in his seat, letting the horses lead the way. He grins at me, yellow teeth shining in the lanternlight.

"I hope ya like to travel," he snarls. "Because we got a long journey ahead of us."

He turns to face forward, and into the oncoming night.

*Hiiii! Thanks for reading - after I updated last night, I went to sleep, and when I woke up we had 9 more views! Yay! That might not seem like a lot compared to popular stories, but I'm happy with even one person reading my story. I promise I'll update later today, since this is my most popular story! Also, all characters and ideas belong to Veronica Roth, except a couple of small characters like Jak and Allie. This fanfiction is based off the Divergent trilogy, and this is just my own continuation. Thank u!*

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