Chapter Twenty Seven - Christina

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I head into the hospital after Evelyn called me. Apparently Four is due to have an operation today, although we're not sure what it is focusing on yet, although it might be checking up on any unusual brain activity.

I push open the door to Four's room and head in; Evelyn is nowhere to be seen. I stick my head into the doctors' office, to find Gav and Cassie filing some paperwork into metal drawers. Gavin looks up and smiles as I enter.

"Hi," I say. "Where's Four? And Evelyn?"

"Oh, they went to the Respiration Centre. Four is having a session with a breathing instructor to get him breathing normally again."

"Okay, thanks," I say, and head off down the corridor, following the paper map of the hospital in my hand.

I knock and enter at the door labelled 'Respiration Centre'. I look around the large room – huge picture windows facing out across the city line one wall, and images of clouds and trees and hills are plastered on the walls in a messy collage. Four is nowhere to be seen, but I would expect that. After all, the large windows reach all the way to the floor, giving him a crystal-clear view of the bustling streets, far, far, far below.

I pop into the room across the corridor, but still no sign of them. I check all of the rooms along the corridor, but they are all empty, except for one which houses a man in his late forties. Not him.

I retrace my steps back to the doctors' office off Four's room and double check the directions with Cassie. When I tell her that there's no-one in there, she laughs and shows me the live CCTV footage of Four breathing in and out of a paper bag, a young lady who looks about thirty chanting.

"In and out, that's it. In, out. Slow, deeeep breaths."

I look at the screen in confusion. I ask Cassie and Gav to watch that specific camera, and I run down the hall and back to that room. I enter, and search for the little blinking red light in the corner of the room. I go and sit down on the exact stool that Four was sitting on in the video.

I wave at the camera, before bolting back down to the office. Cassie and Gavin stare at me in shock when I come in, and they show me the footage – Four is breathing in and out of the paper bag, the lady still talking, and then I come in. Everything looks normal, until I go and sit inside Four. My shape is clear, but Four's image becomes blurry and distorted, the pixels not taking interference well. Gav, who is a wiz at computers, fiddles about for a while until he manages to wipe off the fake figures, so I am left sitting in the room alone, waving at the Wi-Fi box in the corner, whose flashing red light I had mistaken for the recording light.

Cassie and Gav run to what I assume must be the security office, so I follow. We burst into the room, and Hai looks up from his computer. His almond-shaped eyes open wide when Cassie starts babbling incoherently about the footage.

"Slow down!" he says. "Show me the footage."

Gav inserts the USB drive into the computer and replays the footage of me messing up the camera loop. Hai watches in astonishment. He flicks a stray strand of black hair out of his face.

"Now that is interesting!"

*Heyy guys thanks for reading! I know my writing is a bit crappy but oh well! I'll update later today if you want, although nobody has read the last few chapters yet (I am writing this in advance in case somebody does). If you've read this far, sorry for the short chapters but I usually post 2-3 chaps a day. Bye!*

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