Chapter Twenty Six - Tobias

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I stand in a plain white room. It feels big and empty. Slowly but surely, the walls of the room begin to advance inwards. They come closer and closer together, squashing me in the gap, as the curling descends upon me. I try to push the walls outwards, but it is no use. I know it's just a sim, but it still feels horrifically real. I realise that this is my fear landscape. A lot has changed since I last sent through it – I wonder if any of my fears have changed.

The walls are still pressing in, but I remember what Tris had said. Make yourself smaller, Tobias, I think to myself. I curl up into a tight knit and push my head between my knees. I breathe a sigh of relief as the room falls away and I am left standing on the top of a very high building. Tall towerblocks are spread out around me, but I stand on the highest of them all. I take a deep breath, trying to calm down. You can do this. I pass through this fear more quickly than the first one, as Tris' words come back to me. You have to jump. I jump, and the wind whistles past me and I clench my eyes shut, ready for the hard concrete hitting my skull, but it never comes.

Instead I stand in my bedroom, back in Abnegation. Marcus stands before me, belt raised above his head. He brings it down with a slap. I cringe in agony, while my father brings the belt down on my back again and again. Finally, I can't take it any more. I grab the belt off him, not attempting to escape my fear landscape, just wanting him to stop. I hit him this time, and he screams. His figure folds down before my eyes like a cardboard cutout, and a woman appears in front of me.

It is not the woman who usually appears in my fear landscape, forcing me to kill the people I love. It is a woman that I have been missing for the last four years. Tris. She runs towards me, arms outstretched, and I embrace her, kissing the top of her head, even though I know that she is just a simulation. I savour the moment, until she pulls back from the hug.

"Tobias, I missed you," she says. I smile at her.

"I've missed you too!"

"I never died!" she says. "I was in a coma!"

"I love you," I say, pulling her back into our embrace. We hug for a precious few minutes, and in that time I forget all about my fears. That's when the shots ring out. I feel Tris jerk in my arms, and I hold her out before me. I cry out in pain. She has a bullet hole torn into her chest, right here her heart is. Another bullet pierces her stomach. She collapses to her knees, blood pumping out of her chest to the beat of her heart. I go with her, until I am sitting on the floor, holding her in my arms. I don't care if it's not real; it's too hard to see her die. I didn't see her being killed last time, but the body was just as painful.

She breathes in and out in my arms, raspy breaths puffing out of her mouth.

"Tris," I sob, clutching her tighter to my chest, tears in my eyes.

"Help," she groans.

"I'm here, Tris, I'm here."

"New..." she moans. "York."

And with that, her body dissipates, and I am left unshackled and shuddering on he floor of the lab. 

*This is my fave chapter so far! Tell me what you guys think! I will update tomorrow, promise! And thanks so much for over 100 reads! 🎉*

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