Chapter Thirty One - Evelyn

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I wake up from where I was napping on the floor of the reception, behind a potted plant. The cleaning-spray scent of Tobias' room had got too much that I had had to seek out an alternative, and the best place I could find was here. I sit up, stretch, and emerge out from behind the plant. The receptionist gives me a funny look, but doesn't question it. I walk down the hallway to Tobias' room. Visiting hours are supposedly over for the day, but I think the hospital is pretty lax.

"Tobias," I say gently, stepping into the room. He's not in his bed. He must be going for that op of his – to help him get better, or something like that. I poke my head into Cassie and Gav's office, but they aren't there either. I head to the operation quarter of the hospital, asking people along the way how to get to Room 05. I am pointed down the hallway by a stern looking doctor, who claims that there is no-one in the room. I just laugh and tell him that my son is due there now. He smiles back.

When I reach Room 05, I gently tap on the door, wondering if they have already started the procedure. Am I allowed in? I don't know. I peer through the window on the door, but the blind is drawn. I can hear clattering about inside, so the op must already be underway.


Two hours later, I can still hear people fiddling about inside, but I really want to see my son. I pull over the same doctor from earlier.

"When do you think I can go in and see my son?"

"When the surgeons say so."

"Oh, ok, thanks."

The doctor looks at me closely, and then the room number.

"Are you sure that there is an operation going on in there? It's awfully quiet, no heart monitors or anything."

I look back at the room number. "No, you can hear people moving about inside – listen."

The doctor leans his head against the door, then pulls away. Before saying anything to me, he fishes a master key out of his pocket, unlocks the surprisingly locked door, and pushes it open.

There is nobody inside, and the operating table lies empty. The lights are off, except for a small lamp in the corner. The window is slightly ajar, which is making the blind clunk against the glass, which was the noise I heard. So where is Tobias?

I stare in confusion, then thank the doctor, not even asking his name. I run as fast as I can down the corridor, back to Cassie and Gav's office. I don't bother to knock.

"Hey, um, Evelyn..." Cassie starts, then looks across at Gav. Gav sighs, and sits me down on a chair. I am beginning to get worried; what's happened?

"What is it?" I say.

"Tobias..." says Gav. "Has disappeared."

"What?" I say. I feel anger and frustration bubbling up inside me. "When did you find this out?"

I sit rigidly in my seat on the small sofa as the pair of nurses explain what they had found. Halfway through, Christina enters the room, and sits down next to me. She whispers in my ear that it is all going to be all right.

"And that's basically it," finishes Gav. "We have no idea where he has gone, but we did call a detective. The hospital is used to patients going missing, wandering the building alone, but Hai down in the computer room thinks that anyone who goes to that much effort to hide a missing person must be dangerous."

"And I agree," says Cassie. Christina nods. I let out a sob, and slide down in my seat. He will probably be fine; he will probably be fine. If we're lucky.

*Thanks for reading! Really sorry for slower updates than usual - I had a problem with typing late at night! Hope yall liked that and please vote if you enjoyed! Or if you have any plot ideas, leave a comment! Ily all, and have a nice day!*

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