Chapter Three - Tris

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I burst through a fire exit and taste the sweet, clean aroma of spring on my tongue. The sun casts a pale grey light across the grounds, as I look around myself. I am in the open ompound of the Bureau, which is sparsely dotted with people passing to and fro. I run up to a figure I recognise; Matt. He is too busy looking at his timetable to notice me. I wave a hand in front of his face and his eyes snap upwards to look at me.

I watch as he stares at me, blinks in disbelief, pinches himself, drops his timetable on the ground and touches my arm. He must be able to feel the heat eminating from me, because he obviously decides that I am real and not just a figment of his imagination. "Beatrice?" he says in shock."Matt," I reply. Matt quickly shakes his head. "I must be dreaming," he mumbles as he pops a neon green pill into his mouth. He counts to ten slowly, then looks back up at me. He recoils in shock. I think that now he fully processes that I am alive.

"Matt, I know this is crazy, I died, I felt it," I say in a hurry. "But have you seen Four? I need to know!" 

"Wha- he- tobias- gone," he manages to get out.

"Gone?" I say, my voice cracking. This can't be happening. Tobias would never die. He is so strong and most of all he never gives up. I look into Matthew's eyes and he looks at me in confusion. I look at him again. "Tris," he says to me, seemingly okay with that fact that I have risen from the dead. "Tobias has moved back to Chicago. He's been living there for four years now.""What?" I sob in realisation. "Oh, he's alive!" I start to cry. Then I realise how stupid I look, and I wipe away my tears of relief. 

I don't say anything more to Matt – I just run hard towards an abandoned pickup truck. I don't care if I rose from the dead, I don't care if I've been in a coma for the last four years of my life, I don't care about what has happened with the war, I only want to get home to see Tobias. I hop in the truck and fiddle with the gearstick. Stupid manual. I finally manage to get the truck going – it's one of those Amity trucks that doesn't need a key to start. 

I rev the engine unintentionally and bounce off down the uneven roads outside the Bureau, towards Chicago.

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