Chapter Thirteen - Christina

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I tried, I really did, to help Tobias through his grief. And I succeeded, for a short while, until he sank once more into his unending depression. I took him to therapy, helped him to keep busy, built the wall that kept his grief at bay. He was happy, almost, the last few months. And now look what's happened; he's gone and killed himself. Luckily, he was only fifteen minutes under, and they were able to revive him with one of those heart-starting machines. Still, fifteen minutes is enough to change my life forever, and Evelyn's. Tobias may never come out of this coma, but maybe that's for the best. For. Four. Four the best.

I feel tears prick my eyes and I hope desperately that if he leaves, it will be painless and quick and quiet. That's the best ending I could ever hope for for him.

But he won't, no he won't die on us, because I know Four, my instructor, the hero of our initiate class – somehow, he will get through this. He will get through it for me, for his mother and... and for Tris, even though she may no longer be with us.

Then I stop in my tracks, pausing in the middle of the long corridor that leads to Tobias' hospital room. What if he died – tried to – to be with Tris? Now I'm not so sure he even wants to make it. I tear down the hall towards Tobias' room.

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