Chapter Thirty Four - Tris

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I am sitting on the edge of the bed when Tobias comes in. He is dressed in a thin shirt, so that I am able to see his abs through it. I want him so bad.

He walks over and sits down on the bed next to me, stroking my hair, and a sigh in relaxation. His smile lights up the cool Dauntless bedroom. I look at the photos on the walls – they were not there when I left. They are mainly of me and Tobias; me and Tobias. I grin and turn to face him, holding his face in my hands, feeling his surprisingly smooth skin against my fingers. He caresses my cheekbone with his thumb, and I mumble his name, burying my head in his chest, feeling his warmth.

I falter when I feel him slide a hand up under my shirt. I look into his eyes, and any other day he would know that I wanted him to stop, but not today. He continues to make a move on me, trying to undress me. I feel so uncomfortable, and slap his hand away. He frowns like a puppy, like he does when he's drunk and I don't want to make out. He groans.


"No, you will not, Four," I say. The formal name-calling always snaps him out of it, always.

This time it fails.

He pushes me down on the bed and kisses me hard. I punch him in the jaw and he begins to bleed. He tries to kiss me again, and I try to push him off, but he won't budge. Blood begins to stick our shirts together, it dribbles in my eyes and mouth, and when I try to scream, I only spit blood. I end up coughing and spluttering, blood obscuring my vision and burning in my eyes.

"Tobias. Tobias! TOBIAS!" I screech, as he pulls off my shirt. I am not ready for this. I feel his cold hands on my stomach and I scream one last time, before slipping into darkness, into oblivion.


I wake, lying awkwardly against a sack of flour, shirt half off me. I immediately pull it back down. I look across to the open back doors of the van, and find Allie huddled in one corner, Dragon Tattoo holding her shirt in her hand. I can only assume that Allie is either naked or in her underwear behind the square frame of Dragon Tattoo. I think her name was Fia?

I jump when Allie squeals, but I am already halfway across the floor, sick at the idea of a grown woman stripping a child down. I smack Dragon Tattoo across the face, which jogs her arm. Allie squeals again, and I see that Dragon Tattoo is holding a pen. A pen that is permanently etching a grey-blue rose into Allie's arm. I breathe out in horror – she's tattooing Allie! Yes, tattoos are commonplace in the Dauntless compound, but nobody should be forced to get a permanent reminder of something, especially not on their ribcage, just below their chest.

Dragon Tattoo growls, muscled arms bulging. She grabs me roughly by the neck and gets me into a headlock. I thrash around, expecting a broken neck at any moment but nothing comes; only a sharp stabbing, repetitive pain in my side. She is tattooing me too.

I shriek and try to bat her off me. My tattoos are sentimental, have meaning, are special. I don't want a shoddy grey rose that will only remind me of the stink in the back of this van. Fia holds me still, and I am no match for her strength. Eventually, after ten or so minutes, she pulls off me and begins on Allie again. I hit her hard in the back of the neck, shouting at her to leave Allie alone, but she shoves me sprawling into a pile of crates. I hold my head – a purple bruise is already beginning to rise on my scalp.

I watch in pain as Allie's tattoo is completed. She looks as miserable as I feel. Once Dragon Tattoo has left, I shuffle over to her and put my arms around her shoulders. She pressed a hand slick with sweat to her red and raw side. The fresh grey ink bleeds very slightly across her skin. I help her pull her shirt back over her head, making sure not to look directly at her top-naked body, and sit quietly with her until her sobbing ceases and she drifts into a light sleep. I let out a breath, and look out into the star-speckled sky, wishing that Tobias was with me now. I flinch as I remember my dream, but I shake my head to lose the thought. No, Tobias would never. Still, it seemed so real... Allie twitches in my arms, and I stroke her matter brown hair, dabbing the blood away from her tattoo. I look down at my own branding: it is bigger than Allie's, and more roughly drawn. I press my hand over it and pretend like it isn't even there.

*Heyy guys! Hoped you enjoyed! XD Anyway, I don't really like the fact that all the chapters are really short, so I'm going to write longer ones in future! This one's roughly 900 words, which is much better than the usual 300! So, please vote if you enjoyed, and adiós for now!*

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