Chapter Twenty One - Tris

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The cart is still bumping along the uneven roads six hour later. I stifle a yawn – how far are we going to travel? Muscled Thug glances over his shoulder at me, sensing that I'm awake. He sneers at me and laughs when I scowl back. He slaps me across the face with the back to his hand. My cheeks and nose sting from the impact, but I don't make a sound.

 This obviously pisses off the thug, because he slaps me again, harder this time. This guy is not the brightest, and I can see the concentration in his face as he tries to figure out why I'm not reacting. He slaps me again, then again, until he is busy slapping me back and forth across the face. He grins his yellow grin. When I have had enough of his stupid games, I smack his hand away from my face. He leans in close to me and whispers in my ear. It is much more frightening than if he was shouting at me. To be honest I would have preferred that. His hot breath gushes into my ear, making it unpleasantly hot.

"Tris, Dauntless legend. Tris, who saved Chicago. All I ever hear is Tris, Tris, Tris. Tobias, Tobias, Tobias. I have you. Now all I need is your hubby!"

"He's not my husband," I correct him. "Boyfriend."

"I don't really care what he is to you," hissed Muscled Thug. "All I care is that you love him, and he loves you. So, I can hurt you, and he will come running."

"Slight problem there," I say, clenching my jaw to stop my teeth from chattering in the cold. "He doesn't even know that I'm still alive."

Muscled Thug sits there in silence for a minute, processing this. Without warning, he lashes out with a knife in his hand and tears a great slash across my cheek. My skin opens up in what feels like a great long ribbon of red, a sash of blood. I put a hand up to my face to stem the flow.

"We'll just have to let him know then," Muscled Thug finishes, drawing away from my ear. I think he was expecting me to scream when he cut me, but it was all so sudden that I didn't really have time to register the pain. I pull my hand away from my face; it is dark with blood. I turn my face away from Allie, who is lying in the bottom of the cart with one eye open, watching. Maybe she's not as much of a baby as I'd thought.

*Okay, so I hope you liked that chap! I made a mad spider diagram yesterday planning out the plot, so I have a full storyline (or at least the beginnings of one) all set out in a terrible mess. Please vote if you enjoyed the chapter, because it would make me so happy and it also supports my account! Thank youuuu!*

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