Chapter Fifteen - Allie

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My parents are so poor they can barely afford a new pair of shoes. But that's okay. The adults have no idea. The only other person who knows is Jak, but he won't be spilling the beans in a hurry. Our only chance of survival is being rescued, and for that to happen I needed to buy us some more time. I'm not sure about the Tris girl though – she seems nice enough, but I don't doubt that she would sacrifice our secret in return for her own freedom. They say a really old phrase at school; Survival of the Fittest. I think it was an old song or something. Anyway, I don't intend to be fit, or strong, or brave. No, I'm going to play it weak and small and broken so that I have the advantage. If I stick to the plan, I might just be able to get me and my boyfriend out of here alive.

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