Chapter Six - Tobias

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We're all at Christina's this evening for poker. She lives in the Pit, so I had to take the train with Zeke to get there. Christina, Zeke, Shauna, Caleb, Cara and I sit around the table. Caleb deals out the cards. I never liked poker, so I usually spend most of these gatherings just listening to the easy chatter between friends. Zeke starts it up now.

"Hey, Caleb!" he whispers. He moves his eyes towards Christina in mock suspicion. "I think Christina has a crush on you!"

That earns a cold stare from Christina. Shauna laughs and pats her friend on the back.

"Don't worry Christina," she laughs. "Caleb wishes he was on your level!"

Christina smirks and sticks her tounge out at Zeke. He pulls a face back.

I continue watching the deck of cards in Caleb's hands, being shuffled and mixed up and rearranged. That's very much like how my life has been so far. Abusive father, disappearing mother, moving factions, beautiful girl, girlfriend, dead girlfriend, depression. Sounds like a pretty short and simple life when you sound it out it like that.

I'm still staring blankly at the grain of the table when Christina shoves a fan of cards in my direction. I fumble with them, and they all cascade to the ground. I leave them there and the others don't question it. They are very used to my drifting thoughts by now.

Shauna slaps an ace onto the table. "Beat that!" she says to Zeke. He promptly draws a king from his pile and places it on top of Shauna's ace.

"Just did," he says smirking.

"Zeke," said Shauna, grinning. "Ace is higher than a king."

"No it's not!" argues Zeke, and the pair of them launch into a very intense debate about how to play poker.

I sit back in my chair, sipping on the beer in my hand. Sometimes losing yourself to alcohol is the only way to keep going.

*Will update later today! Thank you for 12 views - it might seem like barely any, but to me it's amazing!*

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