Chapter Twenty Three - Tobias

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I open my eyes. It is dark in my room, but there is a sharp pain in my side. I feel something being pushed into my bloodstream. Surprisingly, instead of becoming more awake, I begin to feel drowsy. I close my eyes and fall back to sleep, only one word registering in my mind.


When I next come round, I am strapped to a cold metal table in a lab. Beakers of bubbling liquid and spiralling tubes sit on the counter opposite. I shiver as the hand stats caressing my hair. It feels strangely relaxing, because Tris used to do it all the time, but also terrifying because the person doing it is a complete stranger. I try to crane my neck around so I can see them, but they save me the trouble. They walk around so that they are standing in front of me. It is Marcus.

I try to shout, scream, do anything that will alert someone to my position. No sound comes from my mouth, but even if it did, I doubt that there would be anyone around to hear it.

I stare at my father, anger swelling in my chest. Abusive, heartless, pain-inflicting Marcus. I could never call him anything more informal than father.

"What do you want?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Oh, nothing much," says my father nonchalantly. "I just need you here as bait."

"Bait for what?"

"Wait and see."

I scowl, and he just continues to smile at me.

"So, what's been going on while I've been away?" he asks.

"Nothing much," I reply. He merely smirks.

"So, do you have any idea why you are here?"

"I'm bait, you said so yourself."

"Yes," Marcus continues. "But that's not the only reason."

"Am I here so that you can apologise for all that pain you put me through as a kid?" He deserved that, I think to myself.

I tense up as he steps towards me, and I close my eyes. I can see him in my mind's eye: bringing up the belt, then pulling it downwards so that it slaps across my back. I open one eye to find Marcus laughing, handing me a liquid-filled syringe.

"Might as well do it yourself. Then you can only blame yourself!" He laughs as if he just made a brilliant joke. I keep my expression placid.

I bring the needle up to my neck. I push in the plunger, and feel the cool liquid seeping into my neck. I still feel a little drowsy from the tranquiliser. I don't see any point arguing with my father, since I have no way to defend myself. I shudder as the mystery solution works its way around my body.

"What is it?" I ask, my fingertips tingling.

"Oh, I would've thought you'd remember the symptoms by now!"

I stop, the needle still stuck into my neck. A bead of blood dribbles down the point and soaks into my shirt collar. It's simulation serum.

*Ahh thank you if you are reading this chapter! I literlly have the most reads on the first seven or so chapters, and these last four have had one each (probably me proof reading). Anyway, ily all! I will update ASAP!*

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