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~~\School is where I escape from them. I mostly hide under my hoodie where no one notices me. I don't have friends because I'm not a person that likes to interact with other people and no one interacts with me. The bell rang indicating the end of music class and the starting of lunch.

I usually go outside under the tree or in the library but I chose outside needing some fresh air. I sat down and started reading 'In the year of Chasing Dreams' that I checked out the school's library. While reading I was interrupted by the growling of my stomach reminding me that I haven't eaten in the past two days. But it's not like I have any money to buy anything to eat and if they see me eating any food from home I get punished so I starve.

Soon the bell rang signaling lunch is over. Afternoon classes here I come. ...Yay. School soon ended and I began my journey home while listening to Uncover by Zara Larson on my Ipod i got from my mom before all of this started.

As I came up by the house I noticed a police car parked outside so I hurried inside. I came face to face with a female and male officer examining the house. The female officer noticed me and came towards me and asked my name.
"Sofia" I mumbled
"Well Sofia I'm officer West and we learnt a few hours ago your parents were found dead."

I didn't know how to feel
Sad?.... Relived?
"Are you sure it's them?" I asked.
"Yes honey I'm sure" she said with her eyes filled with pity
Well you can keep your pity cause I don't want it.

"So I'm going to be an orphan?" I asked dreading this question.

But what she said next really hit the nail on the head

"No sweetie you're going to live with your brother he's coming for you tonight."

Brother?.... I wonder what will happen next. What did you guys think. Let me know.

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~Lots of love♡

Sofia [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now