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Shira: what did you do?

Me: *cries in corner* you'll find out...

Naruto: huh?¿?

Sakura: what?¿?

Sauske: I have a bad feeling...


Shira's prov

I looked at the group of angry girls that just blocked my path to the teams meeting. "What were you doing with Sauske-kun?!" They yelled.

"Yeah!" Another yelled. "What were you doing outside the village with Sauske-kun?!" A different one yelled. "If you keep yelling you might accomplish giving me a headache." I replied not moving at all as they raged inside their heads.

"What were you doing with Sauske-kun!" Another yelled. "We were kissing." I said and watched as they all fell to the ground crying. "Just kidding." I stated and leapt over the bunch of girls. "WHY YOUUUU!" They all yelled holding up fists and I sighed.

"Wind style: shock wave." I muttered and slammed my hand to the ground as they came running at me. They all flew backward and I walked on my merry way.

Sauske arrived at the same time as we just had a glaring contest. "I had to waste chakra on your fangirls." I stated and leaned against the bridge. "Oh really? I'm glad, because I had to waste energy on you fan boys." he commented and Sakura just glared at me as Naruto watched the exchange between me and Sauske.

Bla bla bla, Kakashi shows up as gives us our chunin slips, lalalala he lies about it being a one person decision, yada yada yada and we go home, happy? Thought so.

I was now staring at the ceiling of my room as a breeze hit my face and I felt Sauske's approaching chakra. He hopped in through my open window and studied my bland room. "Training?" I questioned and he said "Yeah, I'm bored."

I hopped of my bead and we leapt out my window to head for training ground 7. We trained for a couple hours before it was tiring and took a break. "Let's play that 20 question game." Sauske suggested and I nodded.

"I'll ask and then you'll ask. And you have to answer." he explained. "What happened to your clan?" He asked. "They died." I replied and he said "Details."

"You didn't ask for details." I replied and he huffed. "What happened to your clan, in detail please, oh and I would like names if possible." I asked. "My brother killed them all... Itachi." he said and I nodded.

Sauske's prov

I feel like I can tell her what happened but I need to bite my tongue. "Who killed your clan?" I asked. She was silent for a moment before saying "Kou Okurimono, a man who took care of me." she said and I nodded.

We went on with the question game and I learned a lot about her that I never knew. We then started training again. When she saw me use Sharingon she began to feel uncomfortable.

"What?" I asked and she shook her head. "Nothing, I'll ask you later." she said and we continued training. "black hair..." she mumbled as we were walking back to the town.

I thought nothing of it and we continued to walk. "I'm going to go on ahead." She said looking around. I narrowed my eyes at her and she walked ahead.

I heard a loud crash up a head and when I finally goth there Shira was in the hands of a shinoby in all black. Her mouth was covered and she was trying to yell. She bit his hand and said AN-" but was cut off and the guy did a transportation Jutsu.

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