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Varun's POV:

Surprise.....Everyone said it together.

I saw my whole family standing together and very happy and the whole hall was so well decorated. I was literally surprised to see this.

"But when and how did all of you plan this. When I came home with Tanya, the situation was simple. Nothing was decorated",I asked while my eyes were wide open.

"All this plan was of my daughter", mom said.

I started looking at her with great love and she was also smiling shyly towards me.

I wanted to hug and kiss her, but the whole family stood in front.

"Yes brother and what did you feel Bhabhi really slept. She was not sleeping, she was acting and after you slept she came downstairs and we all decorated this hall",Arun said wiggling.

I was feeling so good at the time. It seemed that I had got all the happiness of the world. A well-loved wife, such a loving brother and parents.

First of all I touched my mom and dad's feet and they hugged me and congratulated me on the birthday.  After that I hugged Arun and he wished me a happy birthday.

After that I stood in front of my love. She wished me a happy birthday. I told her thank you.

"What is this Bhabhi,Who wished her husband in such a simple way? Wish a little differently, bhaa-bhii",Arun said with a smirk.

She started blushing and I too.

"Yes yes, beta. Arun is absolutely right",Mom said with a wink.

"What's the matter, everybody is taking my side today.Looks like now I'll definitely get birthday greetings in a different way from my wife",i thought.

"Come on bhabhi,you can do it",Arun said encouraging her.

"No need to feel embarrass beta. This is your own family", Dad said while placing his hand on her head.

She extended her steps towards me, hugged me and then kissed on my cheek and then said in my ear, "Happy birthday love".

It's a different feeling when you call your love with a word and your love uses the same word for you.

After that Mom and Dad started clapping and Arun started whistling.

She was standing there blushing and I was rubbing my hand behind my neck and smiling like anything.

"Bhai, tell me if you want anything else",Arun whispered near my ear.

"No brother, as much as you did,Thanks a lot for that. If I want anything else, I'll take it myself", i said with a wink.

"Come on, let's go and cut the cake", Mom said.

After that I started cutting the cake and everyone was singing birthday song. I was feeling very good. I fed everyone cake one by one.

After enjoying half an hour, everyone went to their respective rooms.

When we reached the room, Tanya brought a small cake.

"Now what is this? We have already cut a cake. Why have you brought this second small cake now?",I asked while being confused.

"Because I wanted to cut this cake with you alone?", She said lovingly.

I looked at her smiling with loving eyes and said, "Come on, let's both cut this cake, then we sat on bed and I started cutting that cake and she was singing a birthday song for me, playing applause.

Then she picked up a piece of cake and fed me and I grabbed the same piece of cake from her hand and started feeding her.

While I was feeding her the cake I noticed that there were moist in her eyes and a tear rolled down from her eyes.

"What happened love. Why are you crying ?",I asked cupping her face and wiping her tear with my thumb.

"Thinking of how lucky I am to have found a life partner like you. Also this is a tear of happiness",She said showing love in her eyes.

"I am more lucky than you that I got you",I replied smiling.

After that we hugged each other and I kissed on her forehead.

"Ok,Now tell me What gift you want on your birthday",she asked excitedly.

"What will you give ?",I asked smiling.

"Whatever you want",She replied smiling.

"I can ask for anything ?", I asked raising one of my eyebrow.

"Anything",She replied smiling.

"Then I want a promise from you", I said smiling.

"What kind of promise?",she asked while being confused.

Wait,I tell you. Give me just 1 minute.  Then I stood up from the bed and opened almirah and took out the vial  from which she used to eat pills and came back and sat near her.

I started speaking while showing her that bottle,"I want to promise you that you will never eat these depression pills from now on".

"But how did you know what this pills are for?",She asked raising on of her eyebrow.

"I came to know about it that day.  The day you ate this pill in front of me. I had already taken a pill out of this vial and asked our family doctor the next day, then he told that it is depression pills.

Seeing your behaviour and crying so badly on your birthday, I had already guessed that there is something very big reason behind it that is slowly breaking you from inside.

But at that time I had not become such a good friend of yours that you could share any of your sorrows. But now that I know what was your reason behind eating these pills,Because you used to miss your Raja a lot and used to think about him and depressed yourself. To get rid of your misery you used to eat these pills. But Now I want you to stop eating these pills.

So say,do you promise me that you will never eat these pills from now on", I asked lovingly while extending my hand towards her.

"But...", I started speaking cut her in middle,"No but...If you have any other sorrow, you can share with me that without hesitation", I said smiling.

She kept thinking for 2 minutes. It seemed that she was fighting with herself to tell me any other sorrow of her or not.

She took a deep breathe and started speaking while placing her hand on mine,"Ok..I promise..I'll not eat these pills from now on".

Then she took the vial from my hand and threw it out the window And then came back to me and sat down.

After that I again started speaking," love, if you have any other problem or have any such thing in your mind that you want to share with me, then you can Because I don't want my wife to be upset for any reason", I said lovingly.

"No Varun,there's nothing like this", She replied while hiding her pain behind her smile and hugged me.

"I know why your mind is still restless, what is your sadness but you don't worry love. Soon I'll clear all these misconceptions. I just want a chance for that",i thought while hugging.

"Let's go to sleep now, Also have to go to college tomorrow", i said and she agreed.

Then both of us lay down and she came to me, hugged me tight, put her head on my chest and closed her eyes.

I also hugged her back tightly, kissed her head and put my chin on her head and fell asleep.


So here's my update for the day.

Hope you liked it.

Can anyone tell me why is she still feeling sad and he is talking about which misconception?

Also If you like this chapter then don't forget to vote and comment 😊

Stay home and stay safe.


Let Luck Guide Your Life (COMPLETED)  (Unedited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora