Book 3: Chapter 7

Start from the beginning

A knock went at her door, guessing that it was the boys she sighed again.

"I miss them," she whispers again, placing Cassian on the bed. The cat meow'ed in protest not liking how his human looked so sad and distraught. If anything, this cat loved her too much to leave her this sad for so long.

"I'll be back love," she says giving the large cat a kiss on the head whilst scratching the back of his neck. As she did, she got a glimpse of the ring she got for Christmas in first year, the origins were left unknown.

"Finney Bear, let's go!"

The dinner didn't feel so special to Finley at the moment, her friends piled her plate with all her favourites and slipped in some tarts in between. Even so, she didn't feel like eating all of it, she merely nibbled on some of the food. Only able to eat a eighth of the food laid out for her. Theo and Blaise knew something was wrong of course, Finley enjoyed tarts as much as Weasley enjoyed chicken. It frustrated them both that Finley was bottling a problem, they feared that she would do something drastic again have herself in a life threatening situation.

"Finley, What's wrong?" Blaise finally asks and this time the look on his eye says that she can't escape him. Should she tell them? This has been weighing on their shoulders for almost a month now, it was causing her to lose sleep with the dementor nightmares piling on her list of horrific night terrors.

"You usually hang out with the Gryffindors whenever you can, did they do something?" Theo adds. Her friends proving that they were as keen as ever, a wonder to her on how long these questions were weighing on their head now.

"I'll explain later," she only muttered. And by the time they arrived back in the dungeons, the three did not waste their time and went straight to the couches.

"Now tell us, what's been going on with you?" Theo urges. Curling up on the couch once again, her head rested on Blaise's shoulder, her legs on Theo's lap, she explained what was going on. Starting from second year's Chamber of Secrets incident, to the agreement with Snape, and finally the encounter with Harry minus the locking themselves in the broom closet. Only Salazar knows what these two boys would think if she told them that bit of information.

"What does Snape have against Potter anyway? I get that he's the boy who lived, but really," she grumbled crossing her arms in front of her chest. Blaise had his arms securely around her.

Both of her friends at some point agreed with the Professor, for two years of being friends with the Gryffindor trio she always manages to get hurt. Just in their first year when they found out that she was a in the hospital wing, it took everything of them to not get ahead and blame the lions. But second year was great of a loss to them, they could've lost her for good with a basilisk on the loose. They wanted her to stay away from the lions too, but to the extent of sending her away was too much. If anything, they didn't like how this was affecting Finley so much. She wasn't Finley without her Gryffindors like how they weren't the Slytherin trio without her.

"Say something will you?" Finley begged her friends who looked solemn.

"Snape isn't completely wrong Finley," Theo began looking down on her sock clad feet.

"You almost got yourself killed twice for them, he has the right to ban you of ever seeing them."

"But then what about me? My best friend thinks that I call her that horrible name behind her back!" Her heart heavy, they thought that they would understand her pain of not being able to talk to her friends in Gryffindor. Both boys knew how much her lions meant to her, but the point was made, she wasn't safe with them.

"Think about it Finn, if it wasn't for them then you wouldn't have been petrified last year—"

"I would've been petrified either way!—"

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