Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Nicole’s POV

There was really no one walking around campus by the time that we left my dorm, so it was relatively easy just to walk off the campus and headed to the bus stop.

“I told you it would be easy,” Harry said as he took hold of my hand while we walking down the sidewalk.

Standing at the bus stop now, and I really wanted to rant to Harry about making me wear this outfit. My legs are freezing and the only jacket that I could find to match the dress wasn’t very warm. I was relieved when we got on the bus considering it was a lot warmer compared to outside.

I wanted to ask Harry exactly where he was taking me but I knew he was just going to say we were going to a party, so I would end up having to wait until we arrived anyway. Harry seemed to know what he was doing as far as knowing exactly where we needed to get off the bus and the direction he needed to head in once we were back on the sidewalk in a new area that I’d never been to before.

“Here we are,” Harry said as we walked up to what I could consider a club.

It wasn’t as crowded like the clubs that you see on TV, it was a bit more laid back, but it still made me apprehensive.

“What are you supposed to do at these places?” I asked Harry.

“Drink, dance, whatever you want really,” he told me.

“But if I were you I’d try to stay away from some of the people here. You’ve never been in this kind of environment and you may be smart, but you don’t have a lot of knowledge on social skills when it comes to this,” he told me, and I wanted to be offended, but I knew that he was right.

Harry and I walk into the club and I already feel uncomfortable being here. He led me over to the bar where we both sat down. Harry ordered himself a drink and then asked if I wanted anything, but he wasn’t taking no for an answer.

“Just get a drink, I really think you need you, you already look tense and uncomfortable and we haven’t even been here five minutes, loosen up a bit,” he told me.

I hated giving into peer pressure, but I went ahead and nodded, giving him permission to order me a drink that just sounded like it had a lot of alcohol.

“You’re a bad influence on me,” I told him once the bar tender came back with our drinks, and that just caused him to laugh as he took a sip.

Harry watched me as I drank a bit of what he ordered me and he laughed a bit when he saw my face cringe from the burning sensation.

“It’s a bit stronger than that whiskey you had at that school party, but you’ll get used to it,” he joked and took another sip.

After awhile of us just sitting at the bar, Harry finished with his drink and me hardly half way done with mine, Harry said that he was going to go out in the middle of the club where everyone was dancing. He told me that I should join him, but I really didn’t want to. I was hoping that maybe then he would decide to stay at that bar with me, but he left anyways. I tried to keep my eyes on him, but I eventually lost him.

About ten minutes later though, I felt a tug on my arm and turned to see Harry.

“Please come dance with me,” he begged,

“It’s no fun without you,” he told me.

“I don’t dance,” I said.

“Neither do I, it’s hardly dancing, just don’t think about it,” he said as he grabbed my hand.

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