"Murphy." Warren said when she'd found him standing in one of the tall windows of the compound, "Extracting his blue ass isn't gonna be easy. Guard tower. Zombie moat. Electric fencing. And security at the corners. . .they've got the numbers."

"What about the blends?" Sun Mei asked, "How do you plan to limit collateral damage?"

Hopper chuckled and put a hand on her shoulder, "It's the apocalypse, honey. Whole world is collateral damage." He said as she looked at the hand that was touching her and he lifted both in defense.

"We can't just kill them." Sun Mei said turning back to Warren.

"Those blends, they made their choice. They chose safety over freedom. But their safety can cost humanity its one chance to survive. And I can't let that happen. I've come too far and I've killed too many zombies and humans to give up now."


He'd woven his way through the back alleys of Spokane, there had been a lot more activity lately and it didn't take a genius to figure out it was the reinforcements Warren must have found. He ducked behind a dumpster and looked to a group of people armed with some impressive guns. They were standing in a circle pushing a Z around as it snarled at them. He lined his rifle up and looked through the scope making little soft gunshot sounds imagining how many he'd be able to drop without them even seeing what hit them. He had to admit, he missed shooting. He had missed having a rifle in his hands, he missed getting the drop on an enemy and it brought a smirk to his face. Then he saw Warren cut through the circle with another man who shot the Z and ordered the men into their truck. Warren stood on a crate above them all and looked around at her men, then she looked straight forward and 10K realized she was looking at him.

Shit, he thought as he ducked behind the dumpster. He heard the truck start up and head off, as some Z's walked into the alley and moved right past him. When the sound of the engine had gone so far he couldn't hear it anymore he popped out of his hiding place to follow it. Warren was his mission. He had to do what Murphy had told him to. And Murphy would make everything better. There was still something, a dim sound echoing in the back of his head, it only spoke up every now and then, it no longer screamed at him every second of the day. It died when Bailey did.

He hurried down the alley making his footsteps as light as possible, he slowed to turn the corner and when he did he got the smallest glimpse of Warren with a pipe before he was hit hard in the head and he hit the ground as he blacked out.

Warren POV

They'd found a place under a large concrete bridge, it was supported by several curved archways and had a balcony under it that overlooked a waterfall. This had become their current base of operations. She didn't want to find a building, outside she could see an enemy coming. The Red Hand were surrounding them all armed and ready to protect their new leader. Warren was on the balcony with Hooper and Sun Mei as they made their plan. They'd propped up 10K against the metal fence of the balcony waiting for him to wake up, he had a good size cut on his temple where she'd whacked him so it might be a while. There was another member of the Red Hand watching over him with a gun.

"All right, I wanna upset their world order," she said laying out a plan using rocks as a map, "have them second guessing Murphy."

"I'll send them a message." Hopper said sitting cross legged next to her. "They'll be sleeping with one eye open for the rest of their short little lives."

"I need you and your men to kill the power from the dam."

"Sweetheart if you need something broken we're gonna break it. We are professionals."

"So this is the canal." She said pointing to the rocks, "This is the perimeter. This is the zombie moat. This is the front gate. I want all of the attention, right here."

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now