43. Unfold

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What happened to Kao in school? Where does Beam fit? Why Rome and May blame themselves? Why May hates Pete so much?

Let's find out.


"Took you long enough to drop by" he chuckled softly descending down the stairs.

It amused him, seeing the elegant looking woman with fire and hatred in her eyes as she stared at the huge portrait of his late wife Erica and the anxious looking man beside her. "I thought you forgot you had kids"

"P'Yacht.. I didn't even know when you got back-" Weir, his brother started.

"I didn't either, I just did" he answered. "My son missed me"

Lana scoffed at the word son.

"What?" Yacht asked, in a low tone that even made her straighten up.

"I need my son, I know he's here" she said.

"Yeah, which one Lana?" Yacht asked her with a smirk and her face contorted in hatred.

"I only have one son!" She spit her answer out like she felt disgusted by his suggestion of having otherwise.

Yacht raised an eyebrow. "Is that so? What about you Weir, you only got one son too?"

But instead of Weir, it was still his wife who answered. "Huh ofcourse he does too. We, only have one son" Weir sighed miserably but Yacht didn't feel any pity for the coward. He only felt rage.

"That's not what the world knows Lana. Tell me, if Pick is the only child you have.. who is Sun? Why does he have both your names with him? Did you two-" he stopped himself with difficulty from cursing at them. "Did you know he was getting bullied at school? Did you know they hurting him Weir? They were physically hurting him! A God damned Rachatrakul getting bullied!" He lost his temper even more seeing the lost look on Weir's face. He clearly had no idea while the calm expression on Lana's face meant she knew. "Do you even talk to him you bastard? Whose child is he Weir?"

Lana's dace darkened again with hearing that. "No ones! He is not a child! He is merely a sin! A bastard with no name or value whatsoever! Just a reminder of what betrayal I got from this man here who helped made him!" She almost screamed with hatred. Then she smirked seeing Yacht gape at her. "Oh now dear brother in law, don't give me that look, it's your brother's fault after all"

"Then.. punish him you- God! There is no word bad enough to be suitable for you woman" Yacht held his head. He really needed a drink now.

Lana smirked proudly. "Who else you think I'm punishing here Yacht? That boy? That boy is worthless" she laughed while Weir looked down. "Now I'm not unfair, we Chu family always payback in double. Ask your brother, has his dick ever gone wild if it shouldn't ever since I brought his mistale back home" then her face darkened again. "Now tell me where the hell is he?" She demanded with an authoritative tone.

Yacht sat down, looking up at her cooly. "I'd say I hate to break it to you but you know I'd be lying. Your son, Lana, doesn't want to go home with you. Either one of them" Yacht smiled at her. "Now what else can I do dor you? Beer? Some noodles may be? Oh!! Did you know it only took 2 minutes to make noodles?"

The woman simply gave him a thunderous look. "You're enjoying it, aren't you?"

"Are you?" He asked back. "Are you enjoying having an innocent kid in front of your eyes to torture? He told me everything Lana!" He said in a tone that made Weir flinch in fear. This wasn't right, Lana must stop now. "How could you? You bitch!"

Lana stared at him. "Say it again" she almost growled.

"I called you a bitch! How could you Lana? And leave Sun, how could you do what you're doing to Pick? Do you think he can just get over not liking women? Are you that insane? Or you just don't care about what he wants?" He went on, giving his brother a disappointed look. "You can let her do that to your sons? For God's sake Weir you bastard!"

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