9. Awkward

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Okay fine so nobody looks that awkward up here⬆️ but I can't say the same about what you get to read down here⬇️

(Kao's POV)

(What happened to him? He looked okay when he left my room)

Okay this early morning surprise visit kinda bugged me because no way in hell would Pete come wagging his tail; all sunny and bright; to me. Sandee would tell me if she sent him. Right?

(Oh thank god)

I sighed with relief seeing her text to have breakfast together and hurried out so he won't start biting. But here I found him sitting in his car, looking lost.

(Did he see a ghost or something? But what's scarier than him?)

Sure enough, he didn't notice when I got in. Didn't even respond when I called him.

(Would he turn all wolverine if I shook him?)

I ended up taking the chance and poked him.



"Woww relax it's me, no need to bite anyone" I quickly raised my hands in surrender and chuckled nervously. He gaped at me.


Perfect. Why am I always so jumpy around him? Makes me feel like a chicken.

(You once kicked his ass pretty hared, remember? You can always do it again)

"Kao.... what happened? You okay?"

"No. Nothing..... hey! I should be the one asking questions" I made a brave face. "What happened to you. Someone poked you in the eye?"

(God he actually sounds concerned!)

"And what's with that geeentle voice" I chuckled. "You're not talking to your girlfriend"

"I never talk to my girlfriends with that voice, smartass!"


"Yeah! This is special privilege"

"Let me guess, exclusively for me, right?"

"Exactly!" he grinned

We both nodded at each other teasingly.

"We can go now?"

"Yes sir!" He threw me a salute before turning to start the car.

(What's with him. Wrong medicine maybe?)

I don't know why but the better this bastard treats me, more anxious I get. I feel like he's trapping me.

A/n: Ofcourse you're getting trapped. I'm making sure of it. Squeals!!🤪🤪

We're both silent. It feels so awkward sitting next to him again. I looked at him sideways. He was focused on the road but he still looked uneasy.

(Why the hell come to pick me up if you didn't want to?)

I don't understand Sandee sometimes. She knows this guy hates me, he's her best friend. Why force him to come get me or to be nice to me? Does she really think she's doing me a favor? I don't like this. I have some self respect. It's not okay to force him to hang out with me. And it's not like I'm missing on something good. He's an asshole!!

"You know I'd think I irritate you or something if you keep sighing like that"

"Huh? Oh no.... I...."

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