27. Be Crazy Together

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Our story is progressing but this chapter here, though it continues the story but I think I'm gonna focus it more on Pete and Kao's daily life after the threat May gave Pete.

I mean... it's Kao, what's the big deal?

And the next chapter will be focused more on Pete and Pick. That too is almost completed and I might publish these two together or atleast within one week.

It's gonna be a long chapter. Enjoy reading.


"You idiotic monster! Let go of me!!"

"Geez fine I'm sorry-- oii~" Pete howled in pain. "Let go of my hair you crazy kitten!


"Wait I'll give you crazy!" Kao pushed his head down, in the bowl.

"KAO~" Pete whined. "Hey not in... Kao! My nose!" he tapped the table in desperation.

Satisfied once Pete's face was covered in noodle soup, Kao let go of his hair and sat back to enjoy his food. Pete wiped his nose and glared at Kao. "Fuck you Kao!"

"Fuck you!"

"You really are crazy!"

"And you really are a jerk" Kao retorted.

"And why exactly are you two clawing at each other?" Sandee asked, passing a tissue to Pete with a bored look. "Again!"

She looked so done with these two. Always either whispering in ears or laughing at inside jokes or biting each other's heads off. But worse? When by some miracle they both sit calm and quiet, they seem to be in their own bubble. It feels like intruding on an intimate moment, being a third-wheel. Sandee can't believe she got to see this after all the fiasco of few months ago.

Kao hurriedly stuffed his mouth with too much food while Pete shrugged, smirking.

"Seriously boys?" __Sandee

"I was busy screaming if you haven't noticed" Pete replied and turned to Kao. "You're evil, my face is burninng you moron"

"Wee yo... served it" Kao answered with difficulty.

"You don't even remember what he did" Sandee said. "The hell is wrong with you two?"

"Well.... still I'm sure he deserved it" Kao looked happily at his meal. "Let me eat in peace"

"Yeah let him eat San or he'd be scratching and biting all day.. hey!" Pete ducked out of Kao's reach and placed iced tea in front of him which the other guy took with a cute frown. Sandee threw her hands in the air and decided to leave for home.

"We'll drop yo--" Pete started but she cut him off.

"Go study to retake the quiz you nailed today" Sandee snapped. She can't stand them anymore. Pete groaned.

"You didn't study?" __Kao

"I didn't even know we had a quiz today" Pete admitted. "I hate myself"

"If I were you, I'd hate myself too" Kao told him seriously. "How the hell did you even get in?"

"Why don't you focus more on your food than me" __Pete
"I try but you don't let me" __Kao
"So? It's your job to focus on me" Pete retorted.
Kao knotted his eyebrows. "How the hell is that my job?"
Pete rolled his eyes. "It is. Just catch up on it moron!"

Kao kicked him under the table. "That's why nobody stands you, you're an asshole"

"So?" Pete made a face. "You like me that's all I care"

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