20. Stitches

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Being hurt by someone you love is the worst feeling ever.

(Rome's POV)

"I can't keep hiding now can I?"

They kept looking at me for like an eternity. That worried expression on Pete's face almost made me laugh.

"Hoi... don't worry, you can still find ways to keep Kao hostage. You don't need me"
I winked at him.

He blushed so furiously that I laughed again. Great.
He's long gone for sure.

"What? I'd like seeing him try" Kao huffed in annoyance and I pinched his nose.

"Oh no thank you. You punch like a freaking sledgehammer. Let me live longer" Pete raised his hands in the air but that smile on his face. It's so sweet you have to look away. How in seven layers of hell can Kao be that oblivious?
"But P..." I saw the hesitation in his eyes.


He sighed.
"You can seriously do a lot better than my cousin. And I mean a lot"

I laughed. Like I didn't know that already.
"Tsk, tell that to my stupid heart"

We both laughed while Kao snorted.

"You won't be okay soon. I know that, right?"

I looked down and sighed. He can't babysit me forever. He still thinks I'm the bravest person he knows.
"I could say I'll be fine but you still won't stop worrying"

"Ofcourse I won't. I just wish I could find and strangle him and then castrate him" Kao knotted his eyebrows in anger.

(Oh boy. Good luck P'Pick)

"I know you will... after all I'm your favourite" I teased him.

"Nope. You know you're not" Kao denied it truthfully. Yeah, truthfully, I know it's true. But I still smacked him.

"Go on now, both of you get out of my house and don't let me see your boring faces for an eternity" I hurried them out and shut the door at Kao's face. That will do for now.

And just in no time that big smile on my face was gone because no, they didn't let me get bored at all. On contrary, they turned out to be the best company you could ask for in distress because they literally give you zero attention.🙄

Treating me food, pampering me, consoling me and all? Nah...
Screw that!
They'd better ways.

They kept me busy refereeing their shouting matches. Like yestersay when I woke up to a house filled with smoke and  those rotten bananas blaming each other for burning a toast like seriously?

(A man can't be heartbroken in peace?)

But I liked it that way. They didn't give me that look, they didn't try to talk and make me feel better. Heck they made me eat instant noodles all the time😪

But that's enough. I can't let that going on. Not after what I saw last night...

(Especially after that...)

It's Kao after all. It will be too dangerous and I can't be the one to give a way for that. He's my baby bear after all.

I sighed heavily and moved my ass to my bedroom which took surprising effort. On my way I switched on my phone. So many messages and calls from Emma. Ahh... she won't get tired of me would she?

But I did. For some time there, I forgot her. I forgot my own happiness and will. I forgot my priorities. All because of him? Was he worth half the effort I put in him?

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