39. Trouble in Paradise

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Kao looked up when a big hand patted his head. Thada smiled at him. "Where the hell are you lost?" Thada asked him softly. "You look like you didn't sleep"

Kao stared at him blankly. He was really lost at the moment. Then Pete sat down in front of them with an awkward smile. "Hi" he said slowly. Kao looked down at his notes. He sighed.

Thada noticed the anxious looks Pete threw the quiet boy. He frowned. Yeah he noticed all the changes, he's not blind. He saw the happy bubble always surrounding the two. Also now, he saw that bubble missing. He knew that silence all too well. They were literally back to where they started. He sighed in anger but decided to shut up. For now.

"Oi! Did anyone complete the assignment? Help me!!" June shouted.

"Anyone? Just say you're talking to Kao" Sandee smacked his head. June laughed and turned to Kao who again was looking lost.

"W-what assignment?" He asked, looking even more troubled by the weird silence as everyone, even Pete stared at him with gaping mouths.

"Kao forgot homework?" June exclaimed, a little too over dramatically while Sandee felt his forehead.

"Are you feeling okay Kao?" She asked in worried tone. Kao looked down in embarrassment while Thada turned and glared at Pete who was yet again giving Kao a worried look.

"Hell Kao! Why did you forget it? Now whose work am I gonna copy?" June had his own worries. Well, any teacher who knew Kao and his clean record would definitely let it pass and even if he didn't present them with his best effort, he had enough credits not to worry but that didn't stop him from feeling troubled.

"I was rel--"

"Shut up June!" Thada said quietly and June actually did shut up. Thada handed him his assignment. "There, keep your trap shut now. Kao! Let's get drinks" Kao looked up at him and followed him like a lost puppy. "Okay?"

Kao pouted and shook his head.

"Why did you come to class today?" Thada handed him a lemonade which he gulped in one go.

"Mom was home, I don't wanna bother her" Kao said, looking at his shoes.

Thada smiled slightly. "Worried"


Thada ruffled his hair. "Worried is the word idiot. Family or friends are not bothered by you. They worry you"

Kao thought for a moment and smiled thinly. Thada handed him another drink. "You want to go back there? Or you want to be alone?" Kao was about to answer when he noticed P'Sharp.

"You will kill me if I went to P'Sharp now, he's with his gang" he pouted.

Thada turned to glare at the group of seniors and nodded. "I will. I will also kill you if you're not in class. Or if I find you being too nice to that jerk Pete's old flames"

Kao grinned sheepishly. "Fine!!! I'll be in the class Khun Por!" he waied at Thada and hopped away, feeling a bit easy than before. Thada shook his head. He knew Kao never says anything but he hates it when June and Sandee force him to hang out with them especially when he's feeling uneasy. They both just don't catch it quick.


By the time class was done, the gang stood watching a panicked Kao shout at his phone.

"I don't even have my camera you stupid P'Short pants!!" he pouted furiously. "Oh I'm biting? I'll give you a bite you... you... you..." sigh. "I won't curse you only because I don't wanna say sorry to you you stupid minipack! Why you made a commitment if you quit the club!!"

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