67. Second Chances (c)

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He loves kissing Kao. Every second of the day that he's with Kao, he just wants to kiss him. Even when they weren't together, when he wasn't aware of his feelings, when they weren't even friends, he'd always fought the urge to kiss Kao senseless. So when they finally got together, all he ever wanted to do was to kiss Kao. They kissed all the time. Like, literally all the damn time!

The last time they kissed was the day of the football match, right before he left his lover alone, when he walked away from his Kao, not knowing that hell was waiting for him there. If he did, he'd just hold Kao, he'd hold him and never let him go. How happy they were... especially Kao. He was joking and jumping around, he was teasing everyone, he was flirting, being all lovey dovey and shamelessly cute. And then, he wasn't. 

He loves Kao, he doesn't even need to use his words to say it, he was sure it showed through every single breath he took. Kao was like oxygen to him. He needed Kao to live, to breathe, to even think. And seeing him this broken, killed him. He wanted to be there, to hold him, yet he was scared to trigger him. So, when Kao took a step to initiate a kiss, Pete didn't hold back.

They kissed slowly, gently brushing his mouth against Kao's.

He stopped and pulled back, not really wishing to, yet he did so and stared into Kao's eyes, making sure he was okay.

"Y-you... You're okay, hmm?" He asked and Kao stared at him before leaning into him with puppy eyes.

Pete blinked.

He chuckled and cupped Kao's cheeks to crash their lips together, kissing him more passionately, savoring the moment. Kao let out a shudder, scaring Pete for a moment but when he tried to pull back, Kao reached to fist his hands on Pete's T-shirt, kissing him back. Relaxed, Pete wrapped his arms around Kao and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss till they were left breathless.

Kao breathed out, looking up to meet Pete's eyes who offered him a wide smile. "Why the puppy eyes? You want me to lose the last of my sanity?" He whispered against Kao's lips who again leaned more into him. "What?" Pete asked and scratched his chin.

"Are you okay now?" Kao asked slowly and Pete frowned.

"Hey! Tell me, you didn't just give me that confession and that kiss for that? Huh?" Pete groaned and rested their foreheads together. "Stupid kitten"

"You were gonna break your hands just now" Kao mumbled. "I won't like that"

Pete smiled and kissed him again. "God, I love you..."

"God, I wish I was blind"

The couple looked up to find Beam standing there with his arms folded, giving them a disgusted look.

"Tsk, you won't mind if I told him to get lost?" Pete asked Kao who pouted and smacked his arm, trying to get away from him, cheeks crimson due to shyness. But Pete held him by his side. "No escaping me!" He made a face at Kao before turning to Beam, seeing him smile calmly.

Pete blinked. "Em... phi, my cousin?"

Beam let out a sigh, smiling and slightly nodding his head. "Go"

Pete gasped and turned to Kao who took turns eyeing them both with wide eyes, then finally realizing, he turned to smile brightly at Pete and squeezed his hands. Pete smiled back and kissed Kao's hand before sprinting inside, leaving the brothers alone.

Beam shared a look with Kao, then he went to sit beside him. "I should build that Pete a shrine. I'm not sure I'd get to see you slowly going back to being yourself if not for him..."

Kao blinked. He let out a sigh and rested his head on Beam's shoulder.

Beam scoffed. "What? No words or kisses for me?" He teased and was awarded with a smack. He smiled and kissed Kao's hair before resting his own head over Kao's.

Picture Me & You- The Perfect TwoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora