33. His Fear

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Just a little author's rant before the chapter but if you people know me, you know the little rant might go on a little more than just little. But remember you love me and still read it.

Okay so, whenever I write, and if you regularly read all my work you'd might have notice, I tend to go hit some hard and dark topics, like bullying, homosexuality, broken relationships within families, friendships and depression. And also rape. This is the first ever work I thought of and decided to work on and I started with these four characters in my mind. Rome, Kao, Sun and the last one, my favorite one, Beam. I didn't like 2 moons novel very much, I might've said it before but I loved Beam. He hit me as someone who can easily take in all the pain he got from the world and mask it with a smile, Tee has a very alluring smile too.

And I know it's painfully slow paced I mean I only, just introduced Beam and Sun in this story but don't worry, I might not be focusing on these two characters here at all. Unless you want me to. Just know that all four of them had hard lives. And if we want a predator like Forth to leave our Kao and Pete alone, who for some reason hates his cousin, he needs his match in someone who won't let him. It's only possible if that person is scarier than Forth or loves Kao unconditionally.

And I can never ever, ever make Tee or New be the bad guys, in any way possible, Yes I'm biased, sue me😄

That all being said, thanks a lot for coming on this ride with me. Did I ever say I love you guys? Cuzz I do. 

Happy reading!!


Giving a lazy look towards the phone on his study desk, he looked outside again. It was on silent but he knew it's been ringing ever since Kao set foot in his room. He knew he'd get troubled, but the moment his eyes met Kao's scared ones, it didn't matter. 

How long was he standing there, looking outside to avoid thinking of the consequences?

It was ringing again.


"What the-" he exclaimed, the first time in a long night that his face showed an expression as he opened the sliding door to the balcony. "How the fuck did you got up here?" he whispered.

There was a tall man outside wearing black muscle vest and pants, with a long earring dangling from his left ear, with a playful smirk on his face. "Heyyy to you too sugar! Is that the cutie who made the old man restless?" he peeked inside only to be shoved away. 

"Why're you here?" Beam gave his a death glare that he just laughed off.

"Save it for those who don't know you sugar, you're not scary to me" he said with a mocking expression on his face before it turned serious as he handed him a phone. "Answer" he ordered in a slow steady voice, a bit threatening.

Beam snatched it with a low helpless growl. "What?" he snapped into the phone. The man turned his back towards Beam. 


"He's my brother!" he hissed.


"Yeah, yeah, your DNA! That doesn't mean a thing to me! I'd change that little detail in a snap if I could"


"Yeah I know exactly what I'm saying and to who. I also know what you want from me so save it"

He felt foul taste in his mouth. "You know what? Fine. If that is the cost...

You can have it!"

The guy in the balcony raised his eyebrows but other than that, didn't show single sign that he was listening into the fight on the phone. 

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