35. Déjà vu

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I don't really like the way these two interact these days, it looks so forced. So not like my favorite couple I knew for years, it makes me sad and want to see them happy together and that is most likely the reason I ended up bringing them together here. So...

Any crazy polcas out here? It's happening😁


They remained frozen, both back to what now felt like ages ago, the night it all started, just an accidental kiss that one didn't want to admit ever happened and the other didn't know what it meant. Back to when they didn't realize what they felt yet, that it wasn't just a kiss, it was their hearts that connected, two lost souls that touched each other.

Pete reluctantly pulled away to look into the beautiful dark orbs of the other. There he found every emotion he was feeling at the moment. The love, the longing, fear of rejection. Sighing he leaned in, painfully slow, and sealed his lips together with the pale trembling guy under him.

Kao's eyes widened with shock. He blinked fast to fight back the tears that threatened to escape his eyes but finally wrapped his arms around Pete's shoulders. Pete groaned when Kao let him enter his tongue inside his mouth, all the self control this crazy guy made him practice, all their time together, the fear, all his dreams of this day, it all felt worth it as they kissed each other hungrily, sucking each other's soul out till they ran short of breath.

They were gasping for air, Kao trembling uncontrollably. Pete rested his head under Kao's chin, caressing his waist to calm him down. Neither of them said a word. Once he was calm enough, Kao started giggling. Pete gave him an amused look and pecked his nose.

"Don't forget your quiz tomorrow" Kao was the first to speak.

Pete kissed him again. "Cruel"

"I'll be nice when you get good score" Kao ran his hand through Pete's hair. He knew they were out in the middle of the road but he didn't want Pete to go. They shared another kiss before Kao had to push Pete away reluctantly and run inside.



"Wha- what the.." Gift walked out of the house with her mouth opened, followed by an equally surprised Sun. They could clearly see Pete and Kao kissing.

"They're making merits, can't you see?" Beam rolled his eyes.

"OMG!" Gift jumped, clasping her hands together.

Beam smiled slightly, turning away from the two tangled up together on road, unaffected or maybe unaware of the audience. "Come on, let's not ruin their moment" he pulled both kids inside the house.

"You... won't do anything?" Sun asked as quietly as possible, scared.

Beam nodded seriously. "I'll book them a room if they ask" He shrugged. "And ofcourse, buy them condoms, you always need protection"

"P'Beam!!" Gift elbowed him.

"What?" Beam shrugged again. "Sorry I forgot you're still a baby-" he laughed when Gift threw herself on him and pulled his hair. "Oi you witch! Get off!"

They were still wrestling when a very red faced Kao came in and sat on the couch. He had a shy and radiant smile on his face as he touched his lips. Gift got off Beam's back and both smiled.

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