Chapter 4

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Welcome back \(^o^)/

Taehyung groaned as he woke up, feeling his muscles sore. He open his eyes squinting at the brightness in his room as he sat up, flinging his leg on the floor and stood up.

He streched his sore body for a while and sigh in relief waddling into the bathroom to freshen up.

He yawned loudly as he step downstairs in his nightwear and slippers, ruffling his own messy hair as he saw Jimin on the kitchen making breakfast.

"Good Morning Chim" Jimin turned back to look at the fluffy male only in his oversized 'petit' hoodie and underwear which can't be seen as it reached till half his knees.

"Good Morning Chim" Jimin turned back to look at the fluffy male only in his oversized 'petit' hoodie and underwear which can't be seen as it reached till half his knees

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He looks so innocent and fragile, so adorable.

"Morning Tae, how did you sleep?" Taehyung hummed and nodded lightly resting his head on the counter with sleepy eyes.

"Mhm good"

Jimin smile and placed the pancakes with a strawberry coating on the plate and put it infront of him. "Here, dig in"

"Mm it's smell nice" Taehyung compliment as he took a big bite of his food and nodded in happiness as it tastes so good.

Jimin shake his head at the dorky behaviour of the male, he's always like this in the morning. So bubbly and fluffy after the night filled with nightmares.

He always try to shows his positive side and happy self which he's far from it.

"Chim I will go visit hyungie today so don't wait for me, i will come directly to the club." Taehyung inform making Jimin frowned.

"Tae we had to go at evening for the club and it's morning right now. You should be at home at 2:00 pm" He remind him.

Taehyung nodded. "I know but since I can't go yesterday, hyungie must be missing me. I want to make it up to him by spending my whole day with him." Taehyung says smiling at the thought of seeing his beloved hyung.

Jimin smiled sadly at him, knowing how much Taehyung loves his brother but fate is so cruel to this innocent soul that he has to handle all this alone.

"And i was thinking of giving interview at one of the company I applied two months ago. I recieved an email yesterday." Taehyung added while munching on his breakfast.

Jimin stop eating and he look up at Taehyung with concern eyes. "Tae? What company? Are you okay to be alone? Should I come with you! Yeah i should, there is no way i am letting you go al-"

"Chim! Relax. It's fine"

"No it's not!" Jimin frowned at him.

"Are you forgetting what happened last time huh? I won't let you go through that again!"

Taehyung sighed.

"Chim, maybe this time, I really get the job huh? Besides not every person in this world are...are-the same" Taehyung spoke, his voice mumbling at the end.

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