Chapter 55

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My exams were postponed because of Covid and now I have to wait for further announcement smh.

Well, enjoy! :)



A loud sound of palm touching the soft jiggly meat echoed in the room which brought out a winced of pain a second after it which was heard in the room along with a whine of displeasure.

"Papi! What the fuck?!" Jimin roared out, rubbing his ass and buckling over to shut his eyes tightly at the firm pain shooting on all over the bones in his system.

The mentioned mafia male smirked smugly and just took a hold of his coat to wear it, looking nonchalant and proud by his suffering and just casually glimpsing at himself in the full-length mirror.

"It was tempting, I couldn't control. Sorry not sorry" He shrugged.

Jimin stands straight and rolls his eyes as he was trying to whine out his pain in form of loud breathes and also rubbing his back.

"You broke me, Min Yoongi!" Jimin grumbled as he drags himself towards the bed and slowly sits down on the soft mattress but wincing once his ass touched the bed.

"I couldn't walk! Couldn't stand! Couldn't bend! Couldn't even sit you beast! Ahh~ my poor ass" Jimin moans out his misery and sits awkwardly on the bed where it wasn't hurting.

Yoongi diverted his attention towards the whining male on the bed through the mirror and raised an eyebrow.

"Did you regret it though?" He asked.

Jimin pouted and open his eyes to look at his supposed boyfriend who somehow became the wolf in the rut last night and had broken his poor ass to the core of not even feeling it anymore.

It was numb but the pure pain was all so activate and unbearable.

"Who said that? It was fantastic!" He sighs out but also manages to lift his eyebrow in disbelief.

"Then why are you whining?"

"You could've gone a bit easy, don't you think?" He argued.

"You were the one who asked for it, so quit whining now"

"That's the only thing I can do right now so you better take the whining like you took this ass last night without any complaint. I ain't taking your bullshit casual attitude here!" Jimin grumbled out, his mood was not that good along with the pain that was worsening his situation and making him infuriate from everything.

Yoongi smirked as he stares at the male sitting on his bed and looking at him with a face that can make him turn on in seconds by the way he was trying to intimate him.

He turns around and slowly walked towards the half-laid male on the bed and stands in front of him, he bent down and grabbed his chin gently, and leans down to softly give an open mouth kiss to his plump lips.

The fond smile was present in his cold face when he pulls away and gazes down at the younger with his eyes gleaming with affection.

Jimin was caught off guard by the gesture and confusingly staring up at the mafia male with his big eyes and pouty lips.

"That's what I love about you..." Yoongi whispered and tilted his head as his thumb was caressing his bottom lips sensually.

"You just know how to show the cold, heartless mafia-like me..who don't give a shit about place" his smile widens as he stares at Jimin with a glint of tenderness in his eyes.

JEON'S HEAVEN - TKDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora