Chapter 37

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The biggest chap of this book. Shit, this is 3.7k words long!

Jeon had calmed the younger down and had dragged him to outside the club after covering his body with his coat that was longer to the smaller delicate body.

Before entering the car, Jeon had gestured to one of his guards towards the club with a knowing look making the guard nods, understanding what his mafia boss wants and went inside the club to rescue the unconscious old man and take him to their special place.

Jeon was all quiet during the ride, not once did he utter any word nor he looked towards his petal. Taehyung was also not all in his mind to ask what has been running in his mind and confusing him greatly.

They reached the hotel, for the first time together in one car and Jeon come out, grabbing Taehyungs hand and drag the younger to the lift up to the hotel room.

Jeon has made his mind and damn he will back out now.

Just as they enter the suite, Jungkook pushed Taehyung inside and said with a most serious voice that had the growl at the last.

"You're not working as a prostitute from now on"

It was not a request, it was an order filled with finality which didn't leave any place for any argument.

Yet Taehyung couldn't agree and shakes his head.

"I can't quit it, I had to work to earn money," Taehyung said out faintly but full confidence saying he's not even near to agree on this.

Jungkook glare and growled stepping forward and pining the other against the wall with his arms on either side of Taehyung's head, caging him.

Taehyung yelped at the sudden movement as his back collided with a wall and Jungkook was too close to him.

"There are a thousand ways to earn money! This is not the only option damn it!" Jungkook shouted.

Taehyung didn't back down that easily and glared back. "Do you think I'm not trying, huh?! I know that! But not everyone is lucky to have it! I can only work as a prostitute to earn money at the moment!" He yelled back.

Jungkook's eyes twitch. "You're quitting this job and that's an order," he said deeply.

"Who are you to order me, huh?!" Taehyung clenched his fists in anger, he hates when someone tries to control his life and thinks they have all the right to make him do whatever they want.

"Who are you?!" Taehyung shouted on his face. "You think you own my life?! You can't so stop this bullshit!"

"So you're okay with this treatment you're getting, huh?! Likes when people call you slut and whore, huh?! Tell me! Do you like it when others touch you?! Do you like it when they hurt you?!" Jungkook grabs his arms and shakes the other, yelling at his face.

Taehyung teared up and jerk his arms away from his hands. "No...but I have no choice..." he whispered.

Jungkook sighs and gritted his teeth at the same answer he's hearing from the start. "You have! You can get away from this if you try hard!"

"So you're telling me I'm not trying, huh?!" Taehyung felt offended. The other doesn't know what he always has to go through to finds a reasonable job. Jungkook has no idea how much he has gone through to only get away from this worse job and he's telling he's not trying hard.

When the latter had almost lost his life finding an acceptable job.

"Why are you so worried anyway?" Taehyung frowned as he grabbed his collar and yelled at his face with tears brimming in his eyes as he stares at those dark orbs of the other who had a mad look on his face.

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