Yet Another Authors Note

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Yet Another Authors Note:

Hey guys!

I'm updating on this again, so I'm sorry if it Annoys you.

I just don't want an Authors Note in Convergent this early into the story.

Okay, so....

I'm running out of ideas for Convergent, like I hate describing initiation. I'm really terrible at it.

Also, Im running out of time to update. I go back to school on January 6, 2015, and right now, I'm at my cousins' house in Oklahoma, and I will still be here until January 3, 2015. We will fly back to L.A. On the 3rd.

If my next chapters on my story are short, now you understand. Someone commented on my story,

"OMG. Like, this is too short. Update rn plz."

I deleted that comment.

I also hate when people correct me because I didn't put a semicolon instead of a period.

This is MY story. I will write it how I want. Even if it isn't grammatically correct.

With that said, please continue to read DETERGENT, Convergent, And American Girl.

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