Chapter 37

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I sit quietly at the large, circular, glass table that all of the leaders sit at, while Cara talks about the situation with Aptitude Testing, and The Choosing Ceremony.

Uriah's stomach makes weird sounds as he gnaws on a chicken bone.

He then makes a smacking sound when he licks his fingers of the barbecue sauce.

I look at him in disgust, and then go back to taking notes on the meeting. "That is all, you may leave." Cara concludes, as she collects her file folders, notebooks, and pen and leaves.

"Finally," I say as I get up, taking the notes that I took, and putting them in my pocket.

"I'm still hungry!" Uriah whines, as he turns the empty chicken wing box upside down to show that he's out of food.

"Deal with it." I say, and my father walks up to me. "That was rude, Beatrice," he states, while grabbing my wrist to get my attention.

I sick of putting up with his crap. I don't go by Beatrice anymore, and I'm not a little Abnegation child anymore. So why is he scolding me?

"It's Tris, and I'm Dauntless now. I don't go by your rules anymore." I say. I pull my wrist from his grip on one pull. by now, everyone but Uriah has left.

He stands in front of the vending machine, trying to put a Dauntless credit into the machine, but it's not working. "Ugh!" He sighs.

"Beatrice, I don't approve of your husband, and I definitely think that you're too young for children!" He says loudly.

"You're not living my life, so quit telling me what to do." I say, and then I race out of the Erudite Headquarters. This place always brings bad memories.

I race to the train platform, just as I get a call from Tobias. I pick it up on the third ring. "Hello," I say.

"Hey. Just come back to the apartment. I already picked up the kids," he says, happily. "Okay, bye." I say.

"Bye," he replies.

I hear the distant sound of the train horn, and I begin to run.

I run as fast as I can, and then I launch my body at the train as it passes by me.

Beside the train, I hear someone shout, "Holy Shit!" And then an exasperated Uriah appears inside the train.

"I almost missed the train!" He exclaims. "Yeah, you should go on a diet. All that food is slowing you down," I say, poking his stomach.

"Hehehe," He laughs like a girl. "Stop!" He shouts, as I poke his stomach repeatedly.

I get up, and walk to the door of the train, and look out of the door.

I see the Dauntless Headquarters appearing in the distance, and I shout to Uriah over the wind, "Time to jump!"

"Kay, I'm coming!" He giggles like a drunk girl.

I back up to the back of the train just as the building passes, and then run, and leap out of the train, while shouting into the air, to no one in particular.

I land on my feet, and Uriah lands with a thud. He landed on his feet, though.

I walk to the net, and jump into the darkness, Uriah coming with me. I land on the hard, black, stringy net, and then bounce directly back up-all the way to the top of the hole.

When I finally come to a complete stop, I roll out of the net. "Woo!" I say.

Since Uriah and I live right next door to each other, we walk home together. When I reach the apartment, I find a note taped to the door that reads:

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