Chapter 36

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One Month Later.


These past few months have been very eventful. One, Max, Eric, and Caleb (who got out of jail) were arrested for trying to hunt down Divergents.

Two, we're still living in the city. Tobias ran home a month ago, screaming about how we needed to leave the city with Zeke for safety purposes.

Tobias quit his job in leadership because he didn't like it. He works in the control room full time now. Uriah and I are now the head Dauntless Leaders.

He always comes into my office everyday and pokes my arm. He also takes my tablet, and changes the wallpapers to nude pictures of him. Those images of him will haunt me forever.

I mean, doesn't he have a fiancé?

Life is good now. Anyways, today is October 21, which is the Triplets birthday. I'm so excited. I have a meeting this morning, though.

It's all the way in Erudite, which means that I'm going to have to take Maddie, Olivia, and Hunter to my parents' house for some birthday fun with Grandma.

Tobias has already left for the control room. In birthday terms, he turned Twenty last month, and I turned Eighteen two months ago.

It's been over a year since I chose Dauntless, almost two years, but it still feels new. Weird, right?

Right now, I'm baking some muffins in the oven since I don't feel like walking down the paths of the pit to get to the dining hall for their muffins. They aren't worth it, anyway.

"Beep!" The oven timer rings, and I race to the oven from the couch I was sitting on, and pull out a pan of Chocolate Chip muffins.

I turn the oven off, and chop up two of the six muffins I made.

I take the plate of chopped up muffins to the living room, where Maddie, Hunter, and Olivia sit on an elephant shaped play mat.

I munch on the two muffins I grabbed for myself, and pick up a spoon to feed the kids.

I spoon a spoonful into each of the kids' mouths, and give them each a bottle. "Tanch-youuu!" Maddie screeches when I hand her a bottle, which she snatches and gulps down.

Hunter lays over the play mat, and chews at the edge of it. He's so weird. I swat his backside. "No," I say, while pointing at him in disapproval.

He sits up, and whimpers, before going on a tantrum. This happens every time.

I pick him up and hug him until the tears stop. When I pull back from the hug, he beams a toothless grin at me. "All better," I exclaim, and set him back down on the mat.

The kids are going through the teething phase, so I have been giving them teething toys that you can put in the freezer. They're really cool.

I go and grab two pink fish teething toys and a green dinosaur teething toy for the kids from the freezer.

I walk back to the living room and see Maddie asleep on the mat, Hunter crawling out of the room into the hallway, and Olivia chewing on the metal coffee table in the room.

I wake them up and hand them each a toy. I go to the bedrooms and grab the clothes that they're going to wear, and go back to the living room, where they each sit nibbling and gnawing at the teething toys.

I give them each a clean diaper, and then dress them. I also grab my two-baby baby strap thing that I can strap to my body.

I put them in Hunter's playpen, and drag that to my room, where I dress in my long sleeve tight black shirt, and black leggings, with combat boots.

I pull my hair into a ponytail and grab the diaper bag. I slip Maddie and Hunter in the strap, and I pick up Olivia. I then walk out of the compound.

I wait where the train stops, nearby our compound. When the train reaches the platform, I step in, still holding the Olivia.

I stand by the edge of the train, until it reaches the Abnegation Headquarters, which is right next door to my parents' house. When the train stops, I step out, and walk to my parents' house.

I knock on the door when I get there, and my mother answers the door. Dad is probably already on his way to the meeting. "Can you watch them? It's their birthday, but I have the meeting." I say.

"Of course!" She says, taking the kids from my hands, and then she adds, "Go on along!"

"Thanks," I say, before walk ing out to where the next train is. I hear the horn, and that's when I run, and jump inside.

I reach the Erudite Headquarters, and I hop off. I walk into the headquarters, getting dirty looks from every Erudite member inside.

When I reach the meeting room, everyone except for Uriah is here. That figures.

I take a seat in the black chairs, which are designated for the Dauntless leaders.

Here are the leaders:

Abnegation: My Dad, and Someone named Josh.

Erudite: Cara (Will's Sister), and Fernando.

Candor: Jack Kang, and Christina's Mother.

Amity: Johanna, and Someone named Hope.

Dauntless: Uriah and I.

While my eyes scan the room, Uriah walks in with a bucket of chicken wings. He comes and sits down, while eating the Barbecue Wings.

"Uri!" I whisper yell at him as the other leaders talk about this. "Want some?" He says, shoving the bucket toward me. "No, I'm good." I say.

"The meeting will begin now," Cara shouts over the talking leaders. Everyone shuts up, and it begins.

braveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon